Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Power Of ONE

As I read  the Living Word and allow it to minister and speak Life to me I can see a bit of God's plan and what He started doing in the ancient days and on up to this time and for all eternity. I will talk about the ancient days and this time. Eternity will surely speak for itself, don't you think? He is so magnificent ( for lack of a more descriptive word) in the use of those He chose. I see all through the Scriptures, The Father's desire for His people and the people He chose to lead,  speak to,  warn, and minister to the nations that He allowed to emerge from the 12 tribes and others. I can stop right here and say Thank You God, for the "others" cause not being Jewish,  He still had a plan that included me and I am grateful, What about you?  Moving on,  He used ONE person all along from the Creation throughout all times and ages. These people were not highly educated (except Paul),they didn't possess any special abilities He did not give, (except Samson) nor were the qualified for this huge calling God called them into, (not by today's standards anyway) and yet The Creator of the universe called them up and out and into a place in which they could be used to save a nation, speak to a nation, lead a nation, or minister God's Word to a nation of people. God even used animals such as a donkey(Numbers 22: 22-36) and a great fish (Jonah 1:17). The people He used started with Adam and then after a bit of time, father Abraham, in whom all families of the earth shall be blessed(Romans 4:16-18). Moses led the children of Israel out of bondage in Egypt and one of my many favorites, Joseph. Remember him?  His brothers sold him into slavery  because of their jealousy, although they each had the Blessing on them as well, they just didn't walk in theirs and Joseph did. Let us not forget Joshua, Ester, Deborah, Ruth, Mary Magdala, the women who ministered to Jesus out of their substance, (girl power), Jonah, King David, the many prophets, Paul and the most Powerful ONE of all these Jesus. These are a few examples of God's willingness to use ONE person to accomplish what He wants accomplished whether or not they are qualified, classified, certified, educated enough or just plain fit. You know I am probably leading up to John the Baptist. Some called him a mad/wildman baptizing people in the Jordan. Whatever, God called him and he did what the Creator told him to do - Prepare the way. All these and others were vital to God in their obedience to Him. Jonah tried to escape the calling and he became temporary fish food. Only our loving God could make that a temporary situation. Elijah became discouraged and depressed, afraid and  God used wind, earthquake and fire to minister to Elijah, signaling His still small voice He uses (1Kings 19:9 -13). It must be a heavy thing when called to minister God's Word to a nation of hard hearted people. Moses called them stiffneck. Wonder what our description would be for today? Ponder, ponder. The Bible has a lot of interesting things to say about ONE. The Scripture that stands out the most right now is the one found in Ecclesiastes 4:9 -12, where it talks about two is better than one and it list all the reasons why. Personally speaking God, I am so glad that although I am ONE at this stage I am NEVER alone.  When I fall down (which by the way is daily),I can rest in the Savior of the Universe to save me from perishing, Thank you Jesus!!! It can be disheartening if you are ONE and without Christ as your Head. Don't go on like that if this is you reader, He is there for you simply by asking Him into your heart, believing Him and receiving Him. He loves us so much that the plan of salvation is so easy, anyone with a heart beat can have it, it is a free gift and a free choice(Deuteronomy 30: 19 -20). When God called Paul to bring this message to the Gentile nation of people and kings, Paul was a persecutor of Christ. His main goal in life was to bring as many of Jesus' followers to death as he could and he carried the approval of the religious leaders with him. But on the way to Damacus ,Jesus called for him and his plans became null and void and a new day and a new plan emerged (Acts9). Thank God!!! But the ONE that makes all this clear is God. He stepped down from Heaven as The Savior when the ONE He used this time and for all time was Himself. He called on Himself to come into this place and be the Sacrifice for the nations, tribes, and tongues of people who will freely choose Him. The other ONES were to deliver the message, but God Himself is The Message they were to Deliver.  The Power of ONE is truely a Powerful Power. (no this is not a tongue twister). When these Scriptures minister to me in this way I am thankful to be ONE.  I am not discouraged cause the Mighty Word talks to me when this world speaks opposite. I am thankful that although I live here I don't and can't conform to the worlds pattern. It is a pattern that is moving the Creator of it out of everything and we wonder why we are having earthquakes, tsunamis, Hurricanes, and all these deadly weather occurances. The Creation itself is groaning under the weight of a world that is pushing it's Maker out.(Romans 8:20 -23). But we have Hope and it is a everlasting Hope. Let the Word minister to you God's Hope for us. He planned it from the beginning. Glory to God!!! (Revelation 22).    I love you, God loves you and   Jesus is Lord!!!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Heart Condition

I am not much into gardening but I know a lot about about it. At one time back in the day I had a house full of plants and I attempted to have a flower garden once upon a time. You don't want to know the outcome, it isn't a pleasant story to tell. I am saying all this to mainly talk about the ground.  In Mark Chapter 4, Jesus is teaching at the beach and the crowd is enormous. It is always crowded at the beach isn't it? Well anyway He uses what the Bible calls parables to teach, as His teachings are for those with ears to hear what The Spirit is saying to the believer. But all are welcome to hear and receive from the Savior. So anyway He starts to teach on the sower and the seed that is sown into the ground and then He discusses the various conditions of the ground.  The ground being synonomous with a persons heart and the condition of our heart.  As you read this chapter and hear what the Teacher is saying,  you can see that all hear God's Word.  Believer and perhaps unbeliever both hear The Word.  What happens next is interesting because it all depends on the condition of the ground that determines the results of the sown seed.  The 4 types of ground that The Teacher is talking about  are these:  The footpath,  shallow ground,   rocky or thorny ground,  and finally fertile  or good soil. If you examine  each  ground and look at the results  it will help you know what condition your heart is in. We all fall into one of these conditions, whether you are a believer or not.  The foot path  soil  seed got eaten up by the birds. Gone.  Shallow ground didn't have much protection so the sun scorched the precious seed and as a result the quicky sprouting plant wilted and died out. Gone. Thorny, rocky ground  choked out the plant, it didn't have a chance to produce any grain. Gone.  But now the fertile, good soil  caused the crop to produce an abundance of harvest many times over.  We all hear God's Word. How we process it  and what we do with it is determined by the condition of our heart. It really does come down to the heart condition we all are walking around with. The Teacher talked about everything from the thief himself to the dept of Gods Word inside of you, your Faith  level and the cares of this fading world we live in  coming to steal  the seed or this Precious Word  that is planted into all who will receive it.  Remember The Teacher said in this message we ALL hear the Word. What happens next is really up to us.  I blogged recently about a famine in the land. If you haven't read it yet please do cause I feel God is speaking into me about the Word and that people could be perishing because the Life Blood that is His Word is lying dormant. I promised God to only write what the Holy Spirit  leads me to and this seems to be a heavy subject.  The Word of God is Life bringing Light to all who receive it into their spirit.  The Bible says the Word  gave Life to everything that was created and His Life brought Light to everyone. (John1:4). This sounds like with out this Word there is no Life  or Light. What must that be like?  Who would even want to know? Without Life  wouldn't that be like the walking dead?  Without Light isn't that complete darkness. Isaiah 60:2 says that darkness shall cover the earth and thick darkness the people, but the Glory of the Lord rises and appears over you.  Part of this Scripture is one of those I wish wasn't in the Bible. (I am having a flashback to my last post, sorry). Wake up to the Light of the Lord Almighty. Let your heart be the good soil that produces a harvest.  His Word is needed to live down here and He gave it to us freely and He saturated it with Love, Power, Blessings,  and all we have to do is receive it and believe it. Get your Word out and let it minister Life to you.   John 1: 1- 18.  Be Blessed of The Lord.   I love you!!!    Psalm 146.