Friday, November 8, 2013


What an awesome, mighty, all loving, all caring, totally consuming GOD, full of grace and mercy on the inside of me.  He has shown me time after time that He has EVERYTHING in the palm of HIS hands, and that NOTHING is too big for HIM to handle.  Daily I say to myself, "Thank GOD there is REALLY a GOD, cause what would I do without HIM". It looks like so many things are fading away, but what GOD shows me is that HE is never going anywhere and no thing can take HIS place (Romans 8:26-30). What a good piece of understanding that is to me.  Recently, on a day after a rain, where puddles were still visible, but the sun made it a perfect day to be outside, I was running errands.  Taking a few shortcuts to avoid the headaches of traffic, I found myself in a neighborhood where there was very little traffic.  Children were playing outside,  riding bikes, playing basketball and dads were washing their cars, moms were talking to other moms, probably planning play dates or sharing work stories, you know, the suburbs.  And because there was no traffic, kids can ride their bikes in the streets safely.  Well I came around the corner onto this street and I saw what I called a 'feel good picture' of how GOD shows HIS love and CARE for me.  The Bible tells me this also, but I love, love, love it when GOD gives me an example that stays in my sights well past the time that it happened.  There I was driving about 20 mph and as I came around the corner, there was a little girl on her bike, she looked to be about 6 or 7 years old, no training wheels, and dad on his motorcycle with little jr. on the back.  Jr. looked to be about 3 years old maybe, and he was holding on to dad tight, as you could see dads shirt being pulled indicating so.  It was the type of motorcycle you had to lean forward on,  so I couldn't see dad's face and little jr. was leaning forward onto dad and his little legs on each side.  Dad was doing probably 5 mph or less cause the little girl was side by side.  I slowed to a virtual 0 mph and stayed behind them and watched.  I heard a voice inside of me telling me to do so and just observe this sight for a while.  The little girl was pedaling very fast and with what looked like all her might.  She was really doing a good job and it looked like dad was giving her suggestions or instructions riding side by side.  I kept my distance far enough behind them to observe them and yet not make them feel any pressure to hurry or move out of the way. I don't know which part of this scene moved me more; the effort of the pedaling little girl, or jr. holding on to dad so tight and looking a little behind him, or dad's slow, methodical, instructive,  drive side by side to the little girl.  He probably was giving her bike riding instructions, which could have included what to do when a car is approaching.  It was all rather touching and just when my eyes were starting to well up at this sight, the little girl went through a small puddle of water, and I could see dad giving her some instructions, probably telling her how fun it is  to go through puddles, but to hold on and keep pedaling.  Soon they came up to a small hill or incline, and she had to work hard to get up it, she did so  pedaling harder and harder, and dad right beside her giving her instructions and confidence.  He must have been so proud of all the hard work she did.  Such a good job on that big street, with dad so close by and little brother watching and cheering big sister on.  He'll remember that event for a lifetime as he grows.  My mind was thinking all sorts of things as I observed this scene.  I was thinking that this could be the first time she rode her bike without training wheels.  Maybe the 1st time on the big street instead of the driveway or the yard.  Maybe the1st time with dad and brother and dad's motorcycle.  How cool!!  Maybe 1st race between her and dad and she won!! Maybe her 1st water puddle and she made it!! Her 1st hill. Her 1st chance to go fast.  Whatever it was, GOD wanted me to see that this is how HE is towards me.  HE is right beside me in the challenge.  HE is giving me instructions and directions and confidence in all things that may cause fear.  Telling me that I can do all things through CHRIST who strengthens me (Phil.4:13),  BECAUSE GREATER IS HE who is in me than he who is in this world (1John 4:4)  I have already won the victory,  GRACE has said so.  I watched this scene and replayed it over and over in my brain as I asked GOD what do I need to learn from this.  It came as clear as a piece of glass! You will encounter all sorts of things as you live down here.  This is NOT perfection,  that is reserved for HEAVEN only.   Down here things will happen; people will turn, events will occur, obstacles are on the journey,  but I am right beside you at all times.   Through all times, seasons, events ,happenings, good, bad, indifferent, hot, cold, happy, sad, high, low, mountains, valleys, WHATEVER,  GOD tells me HE IS always there!!  This scene helped me remember that and it also reminded me of a poem someone penned called Footprints.  In it, GOD tells of how HE is the ONE carrying me in the hard, difficult times. I re-read that poem and it is as if GOD is saying "remember this in the hard times".  So at the top of the hill I saw that the way was clear, so I slowly passed this scene (on the left) and I got a brief moment to look into  dad's eyes and give a slight smile.  If I could tell him, I would have said,  he is an awesome dad or caregiver. I let my smile speak for me and this was it.  I was reminded that when the disciples were in the boat, and a storm came, and it was 3:00 in the a.m., that Jesus came walking in (Matt.14:24-33).  He didn't stop the storm, (although HE had stopped the storm by speaking peace to it), this one  HE walked into it and told Peter to come to HIM in it. What is important to me, is that HE came in the middle of the storm, and not moved by it, began to talk in it.  As a result, Peter was able to move in this storm,  whereas before JESUS came, the disciples were fighting waves and fear.  When Peter took his eyes off JESUS, the waves and the fear overcame him and he began to sink.  JESUS questioned his faith as a result of Peter moving his eyes off of JESUS.  Sometimes, things happen and they cause us to take our eyes off of JESUS or take our attention away.  Like the water puddle and the hill that could have taken the little girl's attention away, if dad wasn't there to help her keep her focus.  For me, it happens daily, that my attention is taken in a direction I don't choose, and that is the time fear tries to seep in.  JESUS always gives me instruction or a song, a word picture, a person, something or some situation to bring me back to HIS guidance.  I am grateful to be loved and guided that way.  Even in the silence of GOD, HE comforts.  HE has everything in the grip of HIS hands. HE may or may not stop the storm.  But HE will be there in the midst of it, many times when everyone else has left,  for whatever reason.  I am thankful to GOD especially in these times.  I have heard HIM say to me " I have not brought you this far to let you go.  I have plans for you, and they are good plans (Jer. 29:11)".  Looking over this life that is now over 5 decades old (wow!!), and what I have encountered and survived, it had to be GOD seeing me through.  It had to be, cause my own strength  has long since left me.  I have not been in my own strength or power for quite some time.   But through CHRIST alone,  I can do all things.  If you knew me,  I mean REALLY knew me, and all this life has brought to me, you would probably ask,  how are you even alive or sane?  It is enough to make you think or believe that something HIGHER is in charge.  You would probably say under your breath, "she aint all that, she has to have something bigger in her corner".  Just the family issues alone were enough to make me speak in another language.(lol)  However, greater is HE who is in me than he who  is in the world.  I trust you GOD, cause YOU know it all, (about me)  and YOU still care!! Nothing can separate YOUR great love from me.  Yes JESUS loves me,  this I know,  for the BIBLE tells me so.  Thank you JESUS!!!  JESUS is LORD!!!  GOD bless America!  Romans 8: 35-39.. 

Tuesday, July 16, 2013


When you witness a miracle, it is hard to keep quiet about it, and I am the type of person that can't keep such wonder to myself any way. That is why I have to share the MIRACLE GOD performed for my family right in front of our face. I have always known GOD for the GREAT KING, MOUNTAIN MOVER, EARTH SHAKER, DELIVERER HE is and now this. It will be a giant task to try and word what has occurred in my family, but here goes. Recently I received a call from my brother that our brother was in the hospital and that he has been there, at that time 8 days, and now he is 'unresponsive' he is in a coma and "we (doctors) have done all we can, get here asap if you hope to see him alive". Well the timing on something like this is never good and I was so unprepared, as we all were. But I did what I knew to do and that is to pray and seek GOD's mercy and of course HIS guidance. I don't know anything else, but to go to THE ONE who hears me when I call, that is all I know to do.  He began to speak softly to my heart and said "get ME to him" . I understood but wondered how was I going to travel to Georgia,  I was unemployed, seeking a job to help me get through the summer months, and my last paycheck was all but spent. So I prayed and things began to come together and we traveled south, not knowing what we would see when we arrived.  God had put together all arrangements from travel, to lodging, and all meals and other expenses associated with long distance travel. I had nothing to contribute, but to show up at the designated spot. I knew HE meant for me to go and take HIM to my brother. He said so and made all arrangements.   We arrived and went to the hospital and our hearts were not prepared for what we saw.  It looked as though we were in time to say final good-byes. My heart ached in my chest as we called out to him trying to wake him. He was on a ventilator and in a coma after suffering a massive seizure in which he chewed his tongue and damaged his throat. His brain was without oxygen and he went into the coma. 8 days when we arrived. He has other life threatening issues we knew of and others we learned while there. It was overwhelming and too big for us to deal with.  We cried. God made it possible for the 3 of us to travel together, my older brother, my beautiful inside and out young adult niece, me.  3 faith- filled people, although we were shaken at the sight of him, as though he were already dead.  But the Bible says we walk by faith NOT by sight (2 Cor. 5:7)so we had to look over what we saw and look up to Jehovah Ropha -He who heals. Soon my brother said "alright lets pray". We held hands around his bed, and each one of us began to pray and cry out to our FATHER IN HEAVEN. One by one we put this crisis in the hands of HE WHO HAS THE WHOLE WORLD IN HIS HANDS, GOD ALMIGHTY, JEHOVAH ROPHA, THE HEALER.HE said bring ME to him and that is what we did, much like Jairus did when he sought out JESUS in the crowd to bring HIM to his sick, near death, dead daughter (Matt. 9:18-24).As I bent down to whisper into my brothers ear and speak to his spirit, I heard GOD tell me what to say to him: "speak to me from your heart, you can't use your mouth right now, so call me from your heart and I will heal you". He was on a ventilator and in a coma, only a heart can speak under those conditions.  So I told him this and laid hands on him and told him GOD will heal him. We left after a long while and later  that night in my room, I was afraid to sleep, fearing that we would get the "call" that you don't want to get. My faith was strong, but I must admitt, my eyes and what they saw overpowered me. I prayed that night , cried, cried some more and felt sorry for a brother that I should have been closer to, but love nonetheless. The next morning we got a call from the hospital that our brother was awoke off the ventilator and shouting at the staff that he wanted to leave the hospital, NOW!  WHAT?? Are you sure it is our brother, we asked? Get here and calm him down he is raising hell and wants to leave.  We dressed quickly and rushed to Memorial and sure enough he was off the ventilator, cussing up a storm as much as someone with 4 stitches in his tongue and in the back of his throat can cuss. He could hardly talk but we understood what he was saying and it seemed like a different person than just hours ago. Night and Day transformation. The doctors and nurses were as amazed as we were!! We all looked at one another and realized that we all witnessed a MIRACLE RIGHT IN FRONT OF OUR FACES. How good is our GOD?  WHO CAN BRING LIFE FROM DEATH? WHO CAN TURN THE TIDE AROUND IN THE SEA? WHO CAN SAY ARISE AND SHINE, FOR THY LIGHT HAS COME AND THE GLORY OF THE LORD HAS RISEN UPON THEE? (Isaiah 60:1) I began to go into complete and all consuming worship mode as I praised GOD for HIS GOODNESS, HIS MERCY, HIS AMAZING GRACE, THE LOVINGKINDNESS THAT OVERTAKES US, HIS MIRACULOUS HEALING POWER. Since then each day my brother has gotten stronger and stronger. GOD is working on him from inside, as his nurses would tell us that they heard him cry out to JESUS, and especially the nurse that was on staff when they brought him in, he said to  us that he was almost gone then. He said you was calling Jesus in your sleep last night. So we were in Georgia for 7 days and we had to leave and return to our lives and situations, but as of this posting, my brother has been released from the hospital after 20 days in the hospital : 12 in ICU,  2 days in step-down unit  and 6 days on the floor in his own room.  What a MIRACLE. We watched GOD work this MIRACLE RIGHT IN FRONT OF OUR FACE  and other things happened as well, our family was united and that in and of itself is a miracle of sorts. We saw a side of eachother that we had not known, and we met new  people that were in the family that we did not know. I was overwhelmed on so many levels but the one that brings me to my knees everytime is knowing (with this kind of proof) that GOD HEARS WHEN WE CALL HIM AND HE ANSWERS!!! Jerm.33:3  Praise GOD !!!  GOD BLESS ALL YOUR PEOPLE!!!  JESUS, THE SWEETEST OF NAMES!!!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

NEVER (and I do mean NEVER) ALONE

I remember back in Sunday school (when I was a kid) we learned about a few of the Bible's warriors. I first learned of Joseph, Jonah, Joshua,Moses, David and of course Jesus and many others.  Later in life I wondered why they were considered warriors, I'm not sure about some, others it seemed self explanitory. What  is real is that they went through many trials and testings and one thing is for sure, they were NEVER ALONE, even when it seemed so. That has become my mantra for my own life and I have signs from on HIGH to back that up.  We all do, if we can believe and receive them, they are there. The resources I use are vast and a wide range of useful resources to feed on and drink from. I choose a few Scriptures in the HOLY WORD to ground me and provide a firm, solid, steady foundation for me, in this dry, thirsty place, when all hell comes at me. Deuteronomy 30:6-8  tells me not to fear or be afraid, encouraging me to be of good courage and strong cause GOD will not fail me nor LEAVE ME ALONE. I breathe deep when I read that, it revitalizes me knowing that I am not ALONE, HE is with me . That must have helped David as well, particularily when he was without his soldiers. He knew that no matter who comes and goes in his life, whether they were close to him or not, he was NEVER (and I do mean NEVER) ALONE. I have seen the signs God shows me to state HIS case.  I listen to the "positive alternative" radio station, Air 1 and it feeds me good spiritual food through their songs and radio ministry, and one song that is rocking right now is a track from a group called Capital Kings entitled: "You'll Never Be Alone." The words to this song were probably written by GOD himself and is a message to all hearts who will claim it for themselves. I take this message inside and know that I know that GOD is real to me, my life and all the drama that goes with it. Another song on Air 1, is NEVER ALONE by Barlow Girl, both songs have a message that ministers to the heart of the thing. Check it out yourself. The Bible states that GOD uses the foolish things of this world to confound the things that are wise...(1 Corinthians1:27kjv). Perhaps a song on a Christian radio station is one of those foolish things, but it ministers to my spiritman and I receive it, GLORY TO GOD!!! Listen to it yourself and see if it ministers to you as well. The words are powerful and they fit todays "people". I depend on GOD  and I want HIS PRESENCE with me in all that is me so that I am NEVER ALONE (Psalm 33: 20-22). HE uses all sorts of things to let us know we are not alone. For Jonah it was a fish stomach. Think of what GOD could have let happen in that situation, and yet what HE did. The fish knew the presence of God as did Jonah, both were used by HIM.  The Children of Israel were made aware of GOD's presence daily with a cloud and nightly with a pillar of fire. They were NEVER ALONE.  I ask GOD daily for HIM and HE shows up making me know I am NEVER ALONE, even when I walk this walk by myself. (Psalm 71:5). Does that seem strange? For those of us who don't have the crowd around us, the scripture says we have truly placed our hope in GOD, praying night and day for HIS help. (1Tim.5:5). It refers to widows (I am not a widow) but the WORD is for those who are alone. I treasure this nourishing WORD!! Another way that I know personally that GOD answers me, is the weather.  I am not going to get specific about this, it is too personal between GOD and me, but I will say that the BIBLE is true when it says .."the Heavens declare the GLORY of GOD". (Acts 2:19).  I'm grateful GOD!!!!! I am awestruck LORD!!! Jehovah Shammah - meaning The LORD is there, is a sure indication that we are NEVER ALONE (and I do mean NEVER). The babylonian captive children of Israel felt alone and abandonded, forgottened by everyone, maybe even GOD. They were wrong of course, but they had to endure a lot in this captivity and when all was said and done they learned that The LORD was there( Ezekiel 48:35). We too have to endure a lot, but it is soooo important and refreshing to know that we are NEVER ALONE, ever.  Watch for the signs that let you know that you are not  ALONE, they are there for you telling you that you don't walk ALONE, GOD is IMMANUEL, GOD is with us, collectively and individually. Jesus would routinely get  off by himself and pray to GOD- Matt.14:13,23, Mark 1:35, each of those times, describes Jesus as being alone. But look who was with HIM, not the 12, not the crowds,not family or friends,  only GOD!!! Sometimes that is how it has to be, only GOD and me (you). He said in Hebrews 13:5-6,... I will NEVER leave you nor forsake you....I will NEVER abandon you....  Now that is some good drinking right there and a nourishing plate of food to feast on!!!! GOD bless HIS people!!!
Jesus is LORD!!! Phillip.2:11,  1Corint.12:3,  Romans 10:9, Dan. 6:27, Josh. 24:17 Job 7:19, Ps.62:1-2.

Saturday, January 26, 2013


It has been growing in me for a while to blog about this particular book of the Holy Word. Lately I have been having this nudge or prompting to do so. Usually when I get that type of nudge it is The Glorious Holy Spirit urging me to do so. This title is named such because as you know these people played a vital part in Job's life and especially at a time when all hell broke loose in his life. I deliberately left the accuser out of my title, although it was his desire to reek this havoc in Job's life and with permission twice from GOD, was granted this desire. Right here I will say that it is ALWAYS the accuser's desire to reek havoc in all our lives, although we sometimes blame GOD when in fact the blame is not at all given to the guilty one. So the accuser had the nerve and seemingly right to  come to a meeting of the Heavenly Host, (he use to be an angel in the Heavens) and made a request. God having created Job, knowing what he was made of and the depth of Job's committment and love for GOD, suggested him to the accuser.  The accuser was all to ready and set to prove GOD wrong, eagerly and with the go - ahead from on HIGH, to test Job.  The destroyer started with property and possessions first and Job , being a very wealthy, blessed, hard working man lost everything.11,000 herds of sheep, camels, oxens, female donkeys, servants to tend it all, all destroyed, stolen, killed, gone. This all happened within moments of eachother in the same day. What the?  If that wasn't enough, the precious  adult children Job had, 10 in all were all killed.  Job was beside himself with grief and tore his clothing and fell to the ground in deep anguish and pain and worshipped God saying "naked I came from the womb, naked I shall leave. The LORD giveth and the LORD taketh away, Blessed be the name of the LORD".(Job1:21) He was in deep pain that is undescribable, and his only reaching out point came to the GOD he lived his life believing in. To loose your precious child has to be a heartache that can never be healed, only comforted with time and GOD's help. It will always hurt until the day we can see them again in that Glorious place.1Thess.4:13-18. So this was not all the accuser wanted, he went back and asked for the health of Job.  He afflicted him with horrible boils,scabs on Job's skin that  Job would scrape his flesh with shards of pottery to try and relief himself of the pain.  In comes the wife, who by the way suffered these loses as well, and instead of comfort, compassion,tears, sorrow, anything like sympathy at all, she states.... "curse GOD and die."Job 2:9. The GNT says she  said "you are as FAITHFUL as ever, aren't you? ...The NIRV is even better stating she says, "....speak evil things against him and die". What a wife? She doesn't seem to be the helpmeet(Gen.2 :18)  she was created to be (I'm just saying) at this sad, sorrow filled time. No wonder we hear nothing else from her. She strikes me as the fair- weather- wife. Job however is not moved by her words, and corrects her calling her a "foolish"  woman. "Shall we accept only  good from the LORD and never anything bad?" I myself have asked this question in my life many times and I have Hebrews 13:5-6 to help me know. This scripture was ingrained already inside Job!!Glory to GOD!!! So the testing of Job was complete and now to live with it.  In comes his 3 friends to come and share this anguish with him. They approached and saw the deep hurt and barely recognized Job and could only sit with him in silence. Right here I will say that to have friend(s) to comfort you when you are going through something horrific as this was, is of itself a blessing. I am grateful to those that GOD  allows into my existance when all hell breaks loose. He knows what I need at those times and HE makes sure HE hears my cries to HIM (Jeremiah 33:3).Thank you Jesus!!! Sometimes you have to weather a storm. Job had to endure and weather this one. His friends did one and only one good thing for Job. That was to sit with him in silence for 7 days. After that came the accusations and blaming Job and the kind of talk that you just don't want to hear nor need at such a time. He was already as low as one could be and to have them blame him for this catastaphe in his life was unnecessary. Or was it? Their talk help Job see things clearer. He knew that the GOD he worshipped, loved and had faith in was good and that nothing could change that perspective in his mind no matter what he went through. His statement to his wife proved that. The friends wanted him to own the possibility that he sinned so awful that GOD would do this to him. I don't think he would have had a problem with that if he felt that his GOD was unforgiving and vengeful. He didn't feel that way at all, why else would he sacrfice to GOD for his children if he didn't believe GOD would accept the sacrifice. Job 1:4-5. He knew the meaning behind the sacrifice to his GOD.The friends felt they had to explain why this was happening to Job and they were wrong completely. They should have remained silent, in my opinion. Job questions everything from his conception, the day that he was born, his existance in the womb, why he made it through to be born and everything but his GOD!!   I can understand some of his feeling, cause I know GOD has a purpose for me, Jeremiah 29:11, but when hell breaks loose, I start questioning everything also. Trust and faith are vital in this stage no matter what it looks like, I tell myself and let GOD's Holy Word back that up. It can be difficult, then HIS ministering angels are sent, to help me get back on track. Thank you Jesus!!!  After all this , comes the Holy man or minister to talk to Job and his 3 friends about the sovereignty and justice of GOD ALMIGHTY. He made a few good points, but he too missed the mark.  So after he and Job talk awhile , GOD comes and challenges Job. GOD ask Job where he was when the foundations of this earth were laid? Think about that for a minute. That is everything from how wide, deep, day, night,boundries, stars movement, galaxies, sources of such things as light, where does the night go when day comes, why the sea stays put, frost, dew, rain, snow,lightning strikes, heart intuition, mind instinct. GLORY TO GOD ALMIGHTY!!! Jeremiah 32:17.  He doesn't stop there, but HE in this 2-way conversation with Job want him to answer if he can. GOD ALMIGHTY continues to declare HIS awesome powerfulness as HE talks of HIS creation and the need to depend on HIM for its existance. When GOD had completed HIS talk and challenges to Job, he had to repent and sit in dust and ashes in humble attrition to the GOD he so depended on for lifeblood and breath, taking back all he had said previously. Job was probably glad to hear from GOD, I am guessing that, the scriptures don't say that. If it were me, I would. So GOD was finished speaking with Job, and HE told the 3 friends that HE was angry with each of them for not speaking accurately about HIM to Job at this difficult time, as Job spoke. HE required them to offer a burnt offering and Job's prayer and because of Job's prayer, GOD ALMIGHTY told them HE would not deal with them as they deserved. GLORY!!! GOD restored Job's fortune and gave him twice as much as before. HE called Job his servant still and it was because of that status with GOD, that these 3 friends were spared. Job never lost his position with THE MOST HIGH, through all that he went through, cause he let his heart guide him through, not the wife, 3 friends, or the holy man, all who seemed well meaning , but didn't speak for GOD. Job 42. I would like to believe that they learned something about GOD that they didn't know before and it was Job's test that brought that out for them. The scriptures don't say that, it is this authors thoughts and hopes that are revealed in that statement. Sometimes when we go through things,we stay away from people for some reason or another, but the great thing about the book of Job is that  the 3 friends, the holy man, thought enough to go to Job in his hour of anguish. Their  intent initally was a good one. GOD looks at the heart of the matter, and works within that. Much can be said about this book in the HOLY WORD, this is my attempt at looking at it from a place, I can somewhat relate too. Isn't that why we have the WORD? To help guide us as we live down here. Be blessed as you read this powerful book in the BIBLE. Jesus is LORD!!! Job, Revelation1:3. Jesus, The sweetest name I know!!!!