Friday, October 28, 2011


Lately I have been in a thirsty mode that just wont relent.  It's like everytime I drink anything it just doesn't seem to quench my thirst for satisfaction. It has been that way with food as well. I have had some of the best food lately, wonderfully prepared and served to me,  tasty, down right finger lickin good, as my friend and yours the colonel, would say, but I am always left unsatisfied. I started to believe perhaps something was wrong physically. It dawned on me, or perhaps better than that,  a nudge from the Glorious Holy Spirit,  came word that,  you are attempting to fill an area with things that can only  be filled with My infilling.  By George, I think that is what is happening to me. I am trying to replace what is lacking right now, and as a result I am left thirsty and hungry, even after a great meal, and a drink of the best drink ever,  water. So what's a girl like me to do with this kind of dilemma on her hands?  I eat and eat  (great foods) and drink and drink and I am still so unsatisfied. That must not be the solution although you would tend to think so.  So I will go in another direction, for a solution instead of this one and seek out the answer. I need nourishment and the food and drink that I am taking in is delish, but not nourishing me as I need, cause I am left unsatisfied - spiritually.  That has to be it!!! It must be a Spiritual answer that I need to quench this deep thirst and insatiable hunger, I have.  I find that at this time for me, things are getting in the way (Mark 4:19) and preventing the needed nourishment from saturating my spirit.  Jesus talks a lot about this happening  in Mark 4 and in other places in the Holy Word.  He talks about the enemy stalking about as a roaring lion seeking whom he can devour. his devouring can come in the form of busyness so much so that God's Powerful, Almighty, Life Altering, Life filled,  Holy Word can get choked out,  creating a void.  A hunger and a thirst for Him that food and drink can't fix. This is happening to me,  what about you?  I am honest if nothing else, and I tell you the truth, I will not sit still for this.  I will turn this occurrance around and into a worship life that calls for my very soul to proclaim "HOW GREAT THOU ART,  GOD ALMIGHTY"!!!! Nothing can seperate God's love from me, and the enemy knows that, so he tries another way and that is through busyness. Well through that busyness, I shall be the loudest heart worshipper and praiser  ever!!  The heart meditation within will call on it's REDEEMER !! Psalm 118:14 says The Lord is my strength and song, and He has given me the victory.  I shall worship you God!! Psalm 37:7 states in part, Be still in the Presence of The Lord, and wait patiently for Him to act.... I will Praise You God!!!   Psalm 103:2 says Let all that I am praise The Lord, may I never forget the good things He does for me. I will Praise you God!!!!  1Corinthians 16:13-14 speak volumes, I will pick it  up in verse 14, it states ...and do everything with love.  I will Praise you Lord!!!!! The remedy I shall use on the enemy is to take his strategies that he is trying to use and choke him with them. The busyness that is happening, I may not be able to change at this time, however, the praise and worship can excel to such a high degree through it all that his plan will backfire.  I love that God says to me in Jeremiah 29:13 you shall seek me and find me when you search for me with all your heart.  As The Chaser , and author of this blog I made this decision a long while ago,  to seek God with all my heart,  as long as I have breath. When the breath leaves,  I shall rejoice cause as the scriptures say,  to be absent from the body is to be present with The Lord. What a great physical place that is going to be!!!   I shall Chase this relationship with all my heart and I shall find what I am longing for and that is My SAVIOUR!  even through the busyness!!!!!!!   There Is where my nourishment is and my thirst is satisfied and my hunger is filled.  Thank you Jesus,  You are everything I need in my time of thirst, hunger, and nourishment. I have tasted and I see that You are GOOD!!!  As we tend to say after a good meal,    Ahhhhh!   God bless the reader!!  I love you, God loves you and Jesus is Lord!!!!  Psalm 100,  Psalm 1...