Tuesday, November 14, 2017


Forward.  That is the word that came to me after a compelling dream, I know came from GOD Himself.  I am reminded of the dreams GOD gave Joseph, Daniel, Pharaoh, the cup bearer, the chief baker and oh yes, Nebuchadnezzar, his servant, also the (trance) dream of Peter.  The common thread being that they are from on HIGH, which means there is a meaning behind them.  Not all dreams are from HIMSELF. GOD is talking about something He wants known, accomplished, made aware of, to be done,  His will.  Thy will be done GOD! (Matt.6:10)  So back to this compelling dream of mine.  There I was traveling from one location to another at night.  I had to walk (that is alright with me, I walk by Faith any way)through sand.  Very high and loose sand.  It reminds me of sand box sand, but high.  (rabbit trail: one of the locations I stop along on my bus ride journeys that I take as I go to and fro in daily life, has a huge area where  construction is going on.  They are in the process of putting in sand and I go over and watch them move the sand while waiting for my next bus to arrive. That sand is so high, like a mountain, but soft, one could sink in it)  Well, back to my dream, that is what type of sand it was in my dream.  I was walking  through this high sand moving FORWARD, without any hindrance, except the sand itself was high, but walkable. Although it was at night, the sand itself reflected the night sky, which had no moon, no stars, but not total darkness.  I looked at the sand and saw my way FORWARD. I  could tell it was a large area I had to cover  to get to a location. There were no lights, houses, buildings or anything around my journey, but sand to get through. I felt like if I went FORWARD along I would eventually run into something, some dwelling, business, something, but I must keep going. That I felt compelled to do.  At one point, I thought of turning back, but that seemed wrong, so I kept on. Nothing prevented me from lifting one leg after the other.  The sand was not wet or muddy or as the Bible calls miry,  just sand. I wasn't tired or fearful, just wondering when I would see 'civilization'.  I did see a dump truck parked,  and I thought about sleeping in the back of it (think Toy Story)and then when who ever came to work to drive it would see me, but I kept going FORWARD. I was certain I would see something soon.  Onward and FORWARD I went.  The sand showing me the way through its night reflection.  It looked like a white beach sand at night, no trees, water, nothing illuminating it, or so it seemed. I kept going and going and then I came to the end of this sand and stepped down, probably 3 or 4  feet onto a ground that was quite different in texture and more walkable.  It looked like normal ground, leveled but moist.  I was concerned about getting my white Chuck Taylors I was wearing muddy (lol). I kept going, and soon I saw a building with lights and windows and people inside, lots of people.  I woke up from this dream and began to seek GOD for understanding about the dream. Did you know reader that if you PRAY and ask GOD for wisdom, HE will answer you.  The Bible says so. (James 1:5)  I needed wisdom about this dream, so I did what Scripture says to do, I asked. GOD began to show me what parts of the dream were actually talking to me.  The word FORWARD  stayed in my thinking, so I looked at the dream again, in light of the word FORWARD.  GOD said: "look at what is trying to hinder your walk, (high sand), a different way. Yes, it is high, but you can still maneuver through it. Look at how it is actually HELPING you, with the reflection of it and the ease of your travel through it. Your feet were not stopped, unless YOU stopped them, the sand, though high and much, isn't stopping you. Yes it was high sand, higher than normal ground, but doable. Lit up, which showed the way FORWARD,  and in its own way, a compass.  The opposite: it could have been pitch black, with no way of seeing where the next step would take me or how far the way was. You could have sunk inside the sand. I'm saying it could have been worse than what was".  There was a time in Scripture when Jacob left a place due to the drama his sons caused because their sister Dinah was abused by a prince in the land they dwelled in. Brothers being protective decided to avenge her mistreatment and they burned the entire place down and killed the men there.  Jacob and family (the 12 tribes)left and went on the run to a place GOD once spoke to him at. What is interesting is what GOD told Jacob. He renamed him Israel, and restated the Blessing of Abraham (his grand father) to him.  GOD said, -in todays lingo-, move FORWARD,  I have a plan for you and the 12 tribes. (Gen. 35:1-15) FORWARD. Sometime afterward, Moses, the leader and the servant GOD used to deliver the children of Israel from Egypt, died.  GOD told Joshua, to Arise and go FORWARD over the Jordan with all my people to the land I will give them. After 30 days of mourning, it was time to move FORWARD. (Josh.1:2)  Many times in Scripture when moving FORWARD, it usually happened after an event, crisis, problem, some issue or something out of no where rose up.  GOD's plan is always move FORWARD.  The lepers even said, "Why sit here lest we die..." (2Kings 7:3) They knew moving FORWARD would cause something different to happen for them. GOD is reminding me that FORWARD means progress to some degree. It may or may not be by "leaps or bounds" but its all good when GOD says FORWARD. His plans, thoughts and ways are always higher than our own and good. Isaiah 55:8,9.   Jesus is LORD!!   AMEN.        Genesis 37, 40, 41, Acts 10:9 Daniel 2, 4, 7,  2Kings7, Psalm 17.        

Friday, July 7, 2017


Often times GOD will put a word picture in front of my vision to demonstrate His great and mighty Love He has for me.  Yes, Yes the scriptures tell the story, and with the various translations, it is hard not to understand His awesome love and how deep, wide, long, and high it is (Eph. 3:18). But a  word picture works so well for me that when He shows it,  it can be overwhelming as HE lets it rip!! Glory to The Most High!! It is so clear that it can't be misunderstood, unless you want to.  I have blogged in the past about scenes in life, that GOD has highlighted to me about HIM.  In Reading passages, we teach students to highlight important information that will be helpful in answering questions that will follow the reading.  It is a strategy proven to be  beneficial, as the reading passages get longer and more detailed.  Like wise this scene was highlighted for me and narrated, (Glory to GOD!!!) at the same time.  Let me explain.  Picture it,  I am on my porch on a cool June evening,  not yet dark.   Children are playing, riding bikes, skateboarding, pop - rocking, you know doing kid stuff that is fun.  They are different ages, from about 5yrs. -9/10yrs.  Moms/ dads are out in the yard, talking, working on cars, visiting, etc, enjoying the coolness of the evening I would say.  Then dad helps the little one learn to ride a bike-  without training wheels.  Yes, without training wheels! It was hard for the little one cause his little legs were pedaling fast as dad held the seat and ran along side him leaning in the opposite direction.  Jr. had his big smile on his face as he thought he was really going somewhere while dad held him and gave him instructions about how and which way to lean.  When dad let go, you guessed it, he fell. You could see his excitement as he got back up and tried again with dad. About 3/4 times down the street they went. I was thinking to myself, 'he needs training wheels first', I'm just saying. That is the traditional way it's done. I'm so bright , I know!!(lol)  I could hear dad lovingly  give him directions about how to lean,  when he feels like he might  fall.  I heard in my spirit man clear, " that this is how much I love you. I might not use the traditional ways (training wheels, in this case) to show you.  I demonstrated my love in a non- traditional way that will always speak volumes in your spirit.  I put my hands on you by sending Jesus, My one and only Son.(Rom. 5:8)  Everything went to the Cross with Him, and through His spotless blood is how I see you. I will always have My hands on you as you walk this faith walk".  Like the child with out training wheels, we may fall, life happens, but the Father is there with loving guidance, abundant mercy, and amazing Grace.  As I watched dad and Jr., dad eventually gave up, and the bike was put away. (perhaps till next time).  I heard a still, small voice say, "I wont give up on you ever, know that I am here, keep trying!"  In this crazy world, we need help!! GOD'S help!!  We should not be pushing Him away, we  need Him closer than ever if we are going to come through these times victoriously.  Pushing Him away allows the enemy to move in and take over.  I am NEVER going to let that happen in my life, not while GOD breathes the breath of life into me each day. He is the answer. Why should we let that happen, when HE who created everything, is wanting to help us through everything? (Heb. 13:5)   Who else has given us that kind of promise?  I was dumbfounded when I read the New Living Translation of Isaiah 65:1-2.  It made me think,  GOD is right here waiting and wanting to help, but no one asked!! Whoa! What!  Read it yourself and listen to what your own spirit tells you.  To paraphrase it this writer's understanding of this scripture is this: "I was ready to respond (decisively), but no one asked for help...Here I am, Here I am, call on me... I'm ready to help, My arms are open..." Sounds like a Good Loving Father ready to step in and HANDLE it, but not without the invitation to. My prayer is that this nation will start inviting GOD to 'Handle it', instead of being offended at the mention of THE MOST POWERFUL NAME EVER.   That Name, the Name of JESUS will cause anything and everything that has a name (think about that a minute, ponder, ponder) and tries to 'raise up' to instead bow it's knee and confess that JESUS IS BIGGER THAN THIS! (writer's 21st century translation of Philippians 2:10-11.)  He is our only hope,  there is no other way (John 14:6).  Let this condition of America, the World tell you the answer.  He whom we have pushed aside is our only salvation. Where else can we turn and who else will help? Only the CREATOR  can repair  HIS creation when it is broken. Ponder, ponder. ..... Be Blessed of GOD!!  Jesus is LORD..  Rev. 3:14-22  John 1  Josh.1:8-9  Rev. 1:8  Jude 20-25  2 Cor. 4 

Thursday, March 23, 2017


  I  am not the type of person that makes a resolution @ the beginning of each new year.  I simply choose to improve and with GOD's help, be better than the year before.  What I do is ask GOD to help me get closer to Him than I was the year before.  More of Him and His purpose for my existence and less of me and my desires.  I have many desires,  do you reader?  But I want God alone to steer this ship, so I am down the line in this chain of command,  somewhere between 4th and 5th.  With GOD's help,  I chose Isaiah 60:1 (kjv)  for my theme this year:  'Arise Shine for thy light has come and the Glory of the LORD has risen upon thee'.   So that is what is happening after a some what challenging year, ending with the death of my beloved baby brother.  You may remember my post 4 years ago entitled 'Miracle Right in Front of Our Face'.  It talked about my brother being brought back from the dead while in the hospital, and us saying,  what we assumed to be good-bye to him.   GOD was merciful and revived the dead and gave him 3 more years of life, that he lived to the full. (think Hezekiah)  Nov. 2016, my brother died, and as  a family we were united again  to say goodbye, this time to a family member we all saw raised.  We rejoiced @ his memorial @  the goodness of our merciful, gracious GOD and we were comforted to know that sickness and disease can't take from us any longer.  Praise GOD!!  What was amazing to me  was the many people that loved my brother and talked @ his memorial  service about how he helped them and encouraged them even though he had health issues he struggled with.  The man in the wheel chair nearly brought me to tears when he took me aside privately and shared an event my brother helped him with.  I didn't know he was so loved by so many, people that are dealing with life's struggles and issues as JESUS said  we  would have down here. (John 16:33)   So with that said and done and other issues that arose,  I am in constant remembrance mode  of what GOD said in Hebrews 13:5 (Deuteronomy 31:6,8) 'He will never leave me nor forsake me'.  Arise - get up, get going,  I have things for you to do and your presence is what I need;  Shine for thy light has come - It is your time to bring ME into your existence an into where ever  this lighted path takes you each day;  And the Glory of the LORD has risen upon thee - you are MY choice Audrey,  some will hear and some wont, I want those that will hear.  Translate and Meditate is how I take the   Scriptures.  I pray for MORE of GOD,  so I have to be ready,  willing and ready to act when HE speaks.  Yes, HIS Word is alive and speaking to those that have ears to hear them.  That's where you will find GOD in HIS wide - open Word!!  Glory to GOD!!!   So after this challenging year and now into a brand new year and new beginning,  GOD is working His plan.  HE's moving out the clutter and inserting me into where HE wants me.  Doing it HIS way!! Glory to GOD!!!   GOD is not a hoarder.  He does not collect useless junk to store incase HE can use it later.   I have not had this much fruit of the Spirit oozing from my spirit ever! It is abundant!  My cup is overflowing!  It can only be an act of the All Powerful GOD Almighty,  cause from the outside looking in  it looks like a different picture. But GOD looks on the heart and JESUS said, 'lip service is useless,  it is the heart that I see' (author's paraphrase)  Matt. 12:35-36.  Wonder how many people GOD has chosen for doing something for HIM that did not answer HIS call?  ponder,  ponder.  You need  only look at the world's events to see that a shift is taking place.  You wont find answers on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, (social medias not listed), television, radio. All these are things the world says are must - haves and yes GOD himself uses @ times, (1Cor. 1:27 -28),  but FAITH in HIM alone is what HE says HE is pleased by. So Arise, Shine for thy light has come and the Glory of the LORD has risen upon thee; is my theme this year. This is the time to get into the deep things of GOD and do what ever is commanded  to do. Love  GOD first with all your being,  without hindrances, good, bad, come what may,  Love others  and pray for the sick,  laying hands on them.  Jesus said they will recover (Mark 16:15-18).  My choice, as long as I am in this body, (2Cor. 5:9) is to Raise - up, Shine bright,  Display the goodness of My GOD!!  (author's 2017 word translation of Isaiah 60:1).  Impactful and Effective are the buzz words  GOD is using to reach a people that will hear HIM.  These people may be located in the least expected places. The following is a small list of Bible people God used to do wonders for HIM.

1.Joseph - a kid     9. Solomon - womanizer
2.Rahab - a harlot       10.Paul - persecutor
3.Moses - a murderer    11.Ruth - an idol worshipper
4.Hannah - a barren believer  12. Jonah - fish food
5.Elijah - a fearful prophet
6.Esther - an orphan girl adopted by a family member
7.David - a lustful wife thief  
8.Jael - a dangerous girl with a tent peg
                         13. the woman @ the well- a town herald   14. Nebuchadnezzar- Babylonian king
15. the prodigal son - a party happy, lusty boy with money   16. Naaman's wife's captured Israelite maid -  carrier of a healing message

When the call from GOD came, Faithful people answered, no matter their station, condition, or status in life, Faith acted.

GOD's Blessings on all HIS people!!  Isaiah 60.