Friday, November 26, 2010


Can you remember what a Noun is? A Noun is a word that names a person, place, or thing.We all learned that back in the day in school. Today's blog is going to talk about 2 things we learned back in school and their relationship to a close intimate and personal one on one relationship with God AlMighty. I titled it Pray the Nouns,- cause as we pray, we pray for people, places and of course things then an Acrostic, which I will get to in a bit. When Jesus walked this earth in His ministry, The Scriptures tell us that He constantly was in prayer to His Father. He even prayed for us in His High Priestly Prayer to The Father, citing our protection and safe- keeping from the evil one (John 17:15,20). He went about doing good, healing all who were sick and oppressed of the devil.Sickness and disease is of the devil and therefore as believers we have the Power in the Name that is above everything with a name to break its grip (Philippians 2:10). Mark 9:29,Jesus tells the disciples how important prayer is when they tried to cast out an evil spirit in a boy and couldn't. He said :"This kind can be cast out only by prayer". As we pray for people, at times, we will have to cry out to God on behalf of them as we lift them in prayer to the Father, praying the Healing Scriptures back to Him. Family members, sick people, strangers,( remember the good samaritan), children, leaders, enemies, whoever, our faith - filled prayers is what our Heavenly Father's eyes and ears are attentive to (1Peter 3:12). Praying a place maybe the easiest of the Pray the Nouns subject. Pick a place where God's Word is dim or non - existant and cry out for that place for God's Mighty Life - Saving, Life - Sustaining Word to be proclaimed there by any an all Laborers He will send into those vineyards. Nations where the Name of Jesus is Forbidden, begin to call these places out in your prayer time and declare that God's Word will saturate these places bringing with it LIFE more abundantly (John 10:10). Support those that attempt and those that take the Love of God and this Gospel message into this darkness (John 12:46).Our world is in a trouble time and it is because we have pushed the Creator of it away opting for "other things" instead (Mark 4:7,19). Praying for the thing is not what you may think. Jesus said in Matthew 21:13 That His Father's House shall be called a house of prayer... In Luke 11:1 Jesus went to a CERTAIN place to pray... this sounds like to be effective in prayer oneness with God is vital. Jesus taught the disciples how to pray, yet the oneness with God was as important as faith and the prayer itself. The early church devoted themselves to the apostles teachings, fellowship, communion, and prayer daily (Acts2:42).The Love Book says that they gave themselves continually to prayer and ministry of the Word, lifting their voice to God on ONE accord declaring Him God ,Creator of Heaven, Earth, The Sea and all things, GLORY TO GOD ALMIGHTY!!!( Acts 4:24,Acts 6:4). Afflicted,sick, merry, whatever the case may be, The Love Book says to pray. The prayer of faith will save the sick...James 5:13,15,16. Faith-filled prayer works!!! God Hears and responds to the faith filled believer, Glory,Glory, Glory!!!!An Acrostic is my next ministry tool for this blog. Webster's dictionary meaning of acrostic is a written message whose initial letters form a word or another message. In school we have an acrostic that we use called DEAR. It stands for: Drop Everything And Read. Our students love Dear and they appreciate the opportunity they get when they can just get quiet for a while and enjoy a good book.It is a readers paradise for a few minutes of the learning day when reading a book that takes you into an adventure, a special place, or a fantasy escapade, whatever, it has been proven to be a very enjoyable time in a school day. My acrostic for this blog will be entitled GO DEAP! (deep). Yes deep is spelled incorrectly, but I need the letter a although it does not belong there. It is silent anyway. GO DEAP! stands for: GOD ONLY!!! DROP EVERYTHING AND PRAY. It is a time when your spiritman says to you STOP!!!! It is time right now to pray and don't stop until there is a release in your spiritman. An indication that God has given you the answer to this request. GO DEAP! each day and refuse to quit until you know that you have touched His throne for your request. Only God can answer you when you GO DEAP! This is not a prayer partner situation, no,this is one on one, between you and GOD, this is a GO DEAP! situation whereby ONLY GOD can and will respond. Look through the Scriptures and search for the GO DEAP! people and see how GOD responded to them. Listen and read how they cried out to GOD!!pay attention to how HE answered them.Continually thank Him for hearing and answering you,( Whether you have or see the answer yet )declare unashamedly your love and devotion to the CREATOR who CREATED you.Talk to HIM CONSTANTLY as HE does us.Shhhh.Listen. Let your heart meditation be pleasing and acceptable to HIM. Let me suggest you look to GOD and GO DEAP! as you seek answers for situations and circumstances. He loves us!!!! I love you, God ALMIGHTY loves you and Jesus is LORD!!! John 15, Psalm 139. Be Blessed Of GOD!!