Saturday, June 4, 2011


 From the Wisdom Book of the Holy Scriptures, Proverbs,  we get directions and suggestions and wisdom on living a godly life. If we look to this powerful book of knowledge, we can receive from it ( if we choose to),wisdom and knowledge of how to live here and apply God's Holy Word to our existance.  Doing so has its benefits (Psalm 103 :2-8 kjv). If we keep it real, we don't have to wonder and be confused, about which way to turn in "those" times in our lives, cause HIS word says HE will direct your steps. But do you trust HIM? Let us look into a few of the Proverbs and see how important it is to trust God. When you trust someone or something  you tend to endorse it or support that trust with some sort of action. Sometimes going so far as to brag on, praise it, cheer for it, sing its praises so to speak. Trusting in  it/ person brings out some sort of action indicating a belief in it/person. Who do you trust? Proverbs1: 2-6 kjv , is talking about the wisdom, instruction, justice, judgement  and knowledge of THE WORD. Verse 5 says "a wise man will hear, and will  increase  learning" (Romans 10:17 kjv)"and  man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels". Wisdom will lead you to THE WORD each time and in doing so you will increase knowledge and wisdom.  Isn't that amazing how GOD laid that plan and put it at the fingertips of whosoever. Glory to THE HIGHEST!!!Who do you trust?  Proverbs 2:1-7 is spectacular in all the richness and promises it gives. 1"receive THE WORD and hide the commandments deep within your heart" 2" listen for wisdom and in your heart apply understanding", 3" seek knowledge and ask for understanding",4" understanding that is more valuable than  silver and hidden treasure", 5" you will understand the fear" (reverence; awe) of the LORD and find knowledge of GOD".All this is available to whosoever will take THE WORD and  put it deep inside, and then look at what GOD does, 6 "THE LORD gives wisdom,  from HIS mouth comes knowledge and understanding,"7"  sound wisdom for the righteous is layed up for us"  and" HE is  a buckler for them that walk uprightly"  I meditate these scriptures and realize so much about GOD. It is HIS desire for us to come to HIM and find HIS will for HIS people. HE does not want us to wonder aimlessly down here without HIM. If you have made Jesus the Lord of your life,  and you prayed the prayer, these promises from GOD'S WORD belong to you.  They are lifeblood.  Keep it real!!  Proverbs 3 talks about results as do many of the Proverbs and I will check on a few here. Verse 1 says not to forget the WORD and keep them in the midst of your heart. But why? (Who do you trust?) Length of days,long life, peace shall they add to thee, is what the scriptures say. Add is an action word and it simply means something is going to happen when you add, increase of some type. Here it is meant that doing the first step will make the promise that is made, manifest itself. So keeping GOD's WORD and commands in your heart will bring about length to your days, longer life and peace. BLESS THE WORD OF GOD IT IS LIFEBLOOD!!! Verse 5 is very familiar "trust in the LORD with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding," 6" In all your ways acknowledge HIM, and HE shall direct thy paths". The promise here is do the WORD and GOD will bring understanding and direction. Here is where I can say personally that God will direct you into areas you never thought possible.  I am experiencing this in my life and a year ago I would have never thought this would be a path for me. HE is the CREATOR and HE knows HIS property better than all others, GLORY! GLORY! 7" ....fear the LORD and depart from evil," 8 "it shall be health to thy navel and marrow to thy bones". That says that THE WORD in your heart brings health and healing to your bones, one translation say it is medicine to your flesh. That is healing. The WORD has healing powers to all who have hidden it in their hearts. Who do you trust? Keep reading and see how it prospers a believer,brings happiness from its wisdom, grace , mercy,  a steady,  stumble- free walk ,( Imagine that for a minute)  saftey, sweet sleep, protection from danger are among many of these promises. It is worth trusting GOD, and taking HIM at HIS WORD cause HE CANNOT lie. Proverbs 4:18-23 is where I will end. 18 " the believer who has hidden GOD's WORD in their heart can trust that their path is a shining one that gets shinier each day",  19 darkness is the alternative to the opposite, 20" paying attention to GOD"S WORD,21 keeping them in your eyes (reading THE WORD), meditating on them (hearing,seeing, reading). WHY? 22 "THEY ARE LIFE UNTO THOSE THAT FIND THEM AND HEALTH TO ALL THEIR FLESH". The scriptures are soooo much more that words on a page in a book. Believers know that THE WORD on our tongue spoken in FAITH in a situation with THE NAME OF JESUS attached to it brings about a change to that situation. PRAISE GOD!!! HE said that is how it will work and guess what, it works!!!! 23" Keep your heart with all diligence, from it are the issues of life". Your heart is the ground which all fruit is produced from. Good fruit comes from a good and kind heart. I blogged in the past  about a issue I called, HEART CONDITION. I lovingly suggest you read that and search THE WORD OF GOD and discover for yourself how important the heart is in all this. Search the SCRIPTURES anyway, for yourself, GOD IS SPEAKING TO ALL OF US.   Keep it real.  Who do you trust?  GOD is real,  you can trust HIS WORD AND YOU CAN TRUST HIM!!!  Now that's what I call keeping it real. THANK YOU JESUS!!! I love you, God loves you  and  JESUS is LORD!!! BLESSINGS. Proverbs 1,2,3. Psalm 119.