When one of Jesus' disciples asked Him how he would manifest Himself to us and not to the whole world(John 14:22), Jesus gave a clear and precise answer. That answer has been GOD's way since the beginning, it has never changed. GOD is faithful, and when HE said something, through which-ever mouth piece HE used, It became truth. GLORY!! All through time, since the beginning, when THE ALMIGHTY said, "Let there be.......", His plan was and is to be HERE WITH YOU. Like an expectant father-to-be, HE got to work to create a place for the new arrivals, HE knew there would be many. HE knew the end from the beginning (Isa.46:10), and HE planned concisely (It first took 7 days and later another 3 days) to create, maintain, supply, love and adore, provide, save, redeem, forgive, heal and indwell HIS beloved creation. From Adam to Noah, God was HERE WITH THEM. When things seemed to go opposite of GOD's plan, HE told Noah what HE planned to do next, and that plan went into motion (Gen.6:8-). The whole creation was involved in GOD's detailed plan, GLORY TO GOD!!! When 'part 2' of GOD's plan came into existence, HE began to speak to HIS human creation and move forward (Gen. 12). Abraham believed GOD no matter what his circumstances said. Sarah, (Abe's wife) saw humor in GOD's plan for her, but she too believed (Gen.18:9-15). GOD was HERE WITH THEM as HE spoke it into them, both physically and Super naturally (Gen.18:1-15). Fast forward several generations into the 12 tribes to Moses, when God told him to bring HIS chosen people up out of bondage in Egypt. HE was with Moses Super naturally (Ex. 3). HE indwelled the burning bush and the Holy mountain to communicate with Moses and HIS people. Soon HE told Moses to build HIM a Tabernacle where HIS Presence could dwell in or be HERE WITH THEM. PRAISES!!!HE gave precise directions about the construction of the Tabernacle and all of it's items for the inside. GOD put on the architect and an interior designer's hat to do so (Ex.25). Glory to GOD!! HE said to Moses,' that is where I will meet with you. This sanctuary is where I will be with you'. Prior to this, GOD went with them in a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night as they traveled through the wilderness and in the desert. HE was HERE WITH THEM. Glory to GOD!!! The Ark of The Covenant traveled with them as they inhabited the promise land. That mercy seat was a powerful force for them when they needed it and a compassionate, grace - filled place, spewing GOD's loving presence and HIS abundant mercy at the same time. Later, King David (2Sam.5), became GOD's beloved and HE indwelled David so much, that David sang songs in all events (good or bad) of life and danced in the HOLY SPIRIT until his clothes fell off his body (2Sam.6:12-16). Wow!! David FELL IN LOVE WITH GOD EVERYDAY, and he didn't care who knew it. PRAISES!! In the grace, mercy, love, and forgiveness of GOD, HE told David that someone from his house would always sit on the throne. Beloved son of David, Solomon ,was chosen to be the next king and what a heart for GOD he had. He must have inherited it from his father, David. GOD hand picked Solomon, (like David),to build HIS Temple, and what a fine job he did! He laid it out!!! The finest of everything; gold, brass, silver, candlesticks, all the instruments, all the altars even the doors were made of the finest of pure gold. It was a sight to behold (2Chron.3,4,5)!! The dedication was a huge ceremony and feasting and partying that lasted many days as they brought The Ark in from the City to dwell in the Temple. GLORY TO GOD ALMIGHTY!!! HERE WITH THEM!! The joy that must have filled that atmosphere, HALLALUJAH!! Solomon prayed a prayer so honest and heart - felt, so filled with intercession for a people that might fall short (2Chron.6:12-42) , that GOD immediately answered with what would happen ' if my people, which are called by my name.....'(2Chron.7:14) In verse 16, GOD clearly says that HIS Name and HIS Heart shall be there forever!! HERE WITH THEM!! HIS plan all along was to be HERE WITH US. OUR DWELLING PLACE. So now, all through time HIS plan has continued. This dwelling place has now taken the form of HIS Only Begotten SON whom HE sent to this place for us. The plan has not changed, but the Temple has gone through many renovations, if you will. The desert dwelling place has changed into a inhabited, beating heart inside a body made from the dirt, us. HE is HERE WITH YOU!!! GOD sent HIM through the body of the Virgin. We just celebrated HIS Birthday, as we call it Christmas. What a Gift from GOD we were given (2Cor.9:15). GOD said all who confess HIM with their mouth and believe/receive HIM in their hearts will be saved to live eternally with HIM in Heaven (Rom.10:9-13). Since we may have a ways to go down here, before we go to Heaven, HE promised to be with us down here (Matt.28:20,Mark 16:19-20). So the disciple asked Jesus how would He manifest Himself to us and not to the world? (John14:22). His answer was precise: "All who love Me will do what I say and The FATHER and I will come and live inside each one...."(John 14:23 nlt) WOW!!! What a dwelling place! HERE WITH ME!! Jesus knew that everyone would not be in that category. We were given free choice in this body (Deut. 30:19). THANK GOD for that!! Some may not choose HIM, (go figure ?) v24. HE said, "I came so that they can have life, more abundant, but there is a thief and he came too" (John 10:10 )( author's paraphrase). Make a choice. HE made the choice to come for us and call us HIS (John 17:10-14). As we celebrate Christmas, THE BIRTHDAY OF THE KING, we can know HIM as our own Dwelling place. From Cloud and Pillar of Fire, to Tabernacle, to Temple and or Sanctuary to finally the heart of man/woman/boy/girl, HE is HERE WITH YOU. Not the blood pump heart, no, the spirit man heart, GOD breathes the breath of Life into each one of us, that heart. That is the Dwelling place in us. We can stay connected to the ONE who claimed us as HIS. John 15:4-10. HE will be HERE WITH YOU, GOD's DWELLING PLACE in us. GLORY TO GOD. BLESS THE LORD O MY SOUL!!!. JESUS is LORD!! John 14,15, 16, 17, Psalm 91, Psalm 1.
Saturday, December 26, 2015
Friday, November 20, 2015
Most of us were raised to say please and thank you when someone does something nice for us. Usually it is something that has pleased us in some way and it displays a level of thoughtfulness and a measure of kindness. Thank you reader for taking a bit of your precious time to read THE CHASER and hopefully be enlightened by it. There are many things you could use your time for, so thanks for reading. God's blessings upon you and your loved ones! This post is all about THANKING GOD for the wonderful things He has done in my life and the trials and troubles He has brought me through. THANK YOU GOD, for choosing me to write a blog that tells of you and the unending love you have for your people (Ps.26:7, Ex.3:11,Is.52:7,8,9). Who am I GOD? That is the question I asked each time you gave me the words to write and your answer was always the same (Philip.2:13,Philip1:6). THANK YOU GOD!! Where would I be without the health and strength you wake me up with each day? One of the many benefits of waiting on you GOD (Is.40:29-31). THANK YOU GOD!! Over 5 decades of age, GOD I have needed and depended on your forgiveness and love. It is impossible to walk perfectly down here. I have tripped up and fallen many times... BUT GOD!!(Ps.23,Ps.103:3-4,Rom.8:35-39,Ps.139).THANK YOU GOD!! Each and every time that I have called out to you for healing for myself or others, you answered and showed your mighty hand in the circumstance. At times when the doctors had done all they could humanly do, YOU stepped in(Ps.107:19-21,Ps.118:17,Is.53-4,5,Matt.8:2-3,16-17). THANK YOU GOD!! My how you have been patient with me GOD!! I have cried out to you countless times for countless issues. It wasn't a pretty sight much of that time. Think endless tears, snot mixed with runny make-up and hair going in every direction. That maybe a good word picture description. But GOD there you were with arms wide open and willing (Jer.29:11-14,Ps.91, Heb.4:14-16,Prov.4:20-24,Ps.27:14,Ps.46:10,Gal.6:9,Heb.10:36).THANK YOU GOD!! The help that came as a result of all that and coming boldly to the throne of GRACE, was and still is amazing to me. You HOLY FATHER are my ULTIMATE SOURCE!! (Is.41:10-13,John 14:16,27, Is.50:7,Deut.31:6,Ps.121:1-2). THANK YOU GOD!! You picked me up, dried my tears, telling me 'I got this'(author's paraphrase), binded my wounds, loved me tenderly and completely, carried me and renewed me. Talk about blessings!!! Many times over these days-months-years, your mighty hand has shown its strength and power in my existence. GLORY TO GOD!! You have provided for me, sustained me, blessed the path and lit it up as I traveled it. Even in the worst of times, GOD, you caused it to turn and fit your plan (Deut.28:1-14, 1John4:4,Rom.1:16-17,Rom.8:26,28, Ps. 16:11,Prov.4:18, Philip.4:19). Scripture says: The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and adds no sorrow with it (Prov.10:22). Creator of HEAVEN and EARTH, THANK YOU for blessing me daily and loading me up with your benefits (Ps.68:19). THANK YOU GOD!! How great thou BLESSED FATHER are to me MOST HIGH!!! And the joy of your presence is too good. I'm never alone even when no one else is near, because Your HOLY SPIRIT PRESENCE is in, on, over and around me. How wonderful it is to have that sweet existence, THANK YOU GOD!! BLESS THE NAME OF GOD ALMIGHTY!! I thank you daily, as long as I have breath, my heart will be a carrier of your love and with gratitude in-grained constantly reminding me of you and the great love you have for me. THANK YOU for never letting go of me, always being closer to me than my skin, my bones, and the breath in my flesh, deeper than the blood that flows through the veins you made for that purpose, GLORY TO GOD!! (What an awesome ENGINEER you are GOD!!) Is.55. THANK YOU GOD!!! PRAISE YOUR HOLY, POWERFUL, MIGHTY, MATCHLESS, MIRACLE-WORKING, WONDER-WORKING, SWEET, GLORIOUS, UNCHANGING,MERCIFUL, LOVELY, BEAUTIFUL, SPLENDID, MARVELOUS NAME!! Se'lah!! You are a GOOD, GOOD GOD!! IN JESUS NAME, AMEN. 1John, Isaiah 53, 54, 55, Hebrews 2, Romans 8, Psalm,139, John 15, Psalm 63, Psalm 145.
Saturday, October 31, 2015
First line of one of my favorite songs from back in the day when I use to party hearty in the enemy's camp. Don't you just love music? Music that reaches inside you down to your soul and puts you into that place. That place that makes you want to Praise and Worship the GOD OF THE UNIVERSE, THE ALMIGHTY GOD, CREATOR OF HEAVEN AND EARTH AND ALL THINGS. When you are in church on Sunday and the Praise/Worship is happening and it is all about GOD, can't you just feel in your spirit that GOD is there? The Bible says that HE inhabits the praises of HIS people. Don't you want that encounter everyday, not just in church on Sunday or Wednesday, but all the time, everywhere? I do. So I prayed about it and talked to GOD(Prov.3:5-6). The Proverbs state: Wisdom is crying out everywhere, even in the street corners, city gates, high/low places, everywhere(Prov.1:20-22). Where ever I am, I am purposefully putting myself in praise/worship mode. I maybe unable to sing at the top of my lungs as I would like (lol) but inwardly I am there. Not because of what I have or don't have, but because GOD is a good, good FATHER to me. HE loves me!! I want HIM to know that I am constantly praising HIS Holy name. The Word said to make a joyful noise unto the LORD all the lands. come into HIS presence with gladness and singing (Ps. 100). How powerful praise is!! It's liken to the times when you get a great compliment about something and how you feel on the inside about that compliment. That is a similarity, not exact. Kick that feeling up 1000 percent and we come close to a better understanding. Praise is good for us, but it blesses GOD when it is heartfelt to HIM (Matt.15:8). GOD looks on the heart after all, outward-ness means nothing (1Sam.1:6-7) as it does to people. We have all sorts of great reasons to Praise/Worship GOD. Just because HE is GOD is good enough, but let's go farther and talk about the benefits package we have as a result of making JESUS Lord. GOD heals, forgives, redeems, satisfies, puts lovingkindness, tender, new, and unlimited mercy on us (Ps.103). HE gave us righteousness as a gift and an abundance of grace (Rom.5:17). Isn't that wonderful? Doesn't that make you want to Praise GOD right now? Go ahead!! Let it go sweet thang, Praise GOD!!!! He is worthy to be Praised 24/7 even in the desert and wilderness of life (Is. 51:3) I find myself in constant praise mode: at home, at work, in the car, at the store, in the city, in the country, going and coming. My car is the rockin-est sanctuary there is. I have a time worshipping and driving and the keeping of- the- hands -on- the -steering- wheel thing you have to do while driving. No worries, I have not ever had a crash, THANK YOU JESUS!! Praising GOD takes me into a realm outside myself where GOD is and lifts me into HIS heights. GLORY!! Suddenly it is not about me and my issues any longer. They seem tiny in comparison to the JOY that comes from Worship. They still exist , they aren't magnified anymore. I once thought they were so huge and overwhelming. Guess what? Not to GOD!!! All things are possible with GOD. HIS Word tells us to rejoice always (Phil.4:4). That means at all times. In the sunny and rainy days, the high and low moments, through the joy and pain of life. When I am in pain, whether physical or emotional, I don't feel much like rejoicing! Those are the times I cry out (loudly) to GOD and honestly say I don't feel like rejoicing at this moment in time. And GOD knows and cares and understands. HE is our FATHER and loves us! There are times when the comfort of the Holy Spirit is the only source that can bind a wound. I know 'bout that. That sweet meditation of GOD and HIS goodness makes me want to sing HIS praises to HIM as long as I live (Ps.104:33-34). I just can't help it music puts me in that mode. Bless the LORD oh my soul!!! From the rising of the sun to the going down of the same, GOD'S name is to be praised, GLORY TO GOD!!! Ps.113. The Bible tells us to Praise GOD with every kind of musical instrument and the dance. I like that! Back in the day, I would leave the club just before daylight, partying hearty, staying on the dance floor, booty shaking, rump throwing dancing. ( Today it is known as twerking)Party- over- here- type of thing. That was in the enemy's camp then. Now I shake it up a different way and it's all about THE MOST HIGH!!!! I get my groove on now, wherever, for GOD. My car be bouncing down the road cause Toby Mack done took me there with "feeling so fly" or "feel it" or "supernatural high" and then Switchfoot is hitting the beat with " love alone" or "say it like you mean it", or " breathe it in" just to name a few. Then there is the Hippest Radio station sold out to GOD and HIM only, AIR 1. Find it on your radio or computer. It is 'bout it, 'bout it'. Music helps but if I aint got no music, I make up songs to GOD. Look for my original sound track of: "You are there, I am here" soon. It will win me a Dove, I prophesy (lol). Just reach down inside and let the meditation of your heart come out as a song. If that meditation is of GOD it will sound like you are a songstress to the ALMIGHTY. So what would we do without a song? Look on the inside and make one up! To HIM alone be PRAISE/WORSHIP!! God Bless You Reader!
Psalm 100, Psalm103, Psalm 150, Phil.4, Romans 5, Psalm104, Psalm113. Jesus is LORD!!
Psalm 100, Psalm103, Psalm 150, Phil.4, Romans 5, Psalm104, Psalm113. Jesus is LORD!!
Saturday, October 3, 2015
Love, love, love! What a great thing Love is. No wonder GOD gave commandment concerning LOVE and it is the first fruit in the Fruit of the Spirit indwelling every spirit - filled believer. (John 15:12, 17, Gal. 5:22) I remember when I was a small child, mama use to watch a soap opera on t.v. called LOVE IS A MANY SPLENDID THING. For those that don't know or have never heard of a soap opera, it is a t.v. program that follows the day to day life and events of characters that resemble our own lives. Some popular and well known soaps you may have heard of are: All my children, Young and the Restless, Bold and the Beautiful, General Hospital in the daytime and at night: Dallas, Dynasty, Falcon Crest, Knots Landing, Dallas - 'reloaded' etc. All these soaps had a theme usually referring to a love situation, a family situation, a business situation, some major problem that weaved a financial thread through it. LOVE was always involved, some sort of way. As I became an adult, I watched soaps, and I got hooked to many especially the nighttime ones. Dallas and J.R were my favorites. But I recently began thinking back to LOVE IS A MANY SPLENDID THING. I don't remember anything about it , but the title, and that is what I chose for this blog, the title. When I think of how much GOD loves me (us) and the wondrous ways HE shows that never ending, never changing LOVE it makes me grateful that I can be LOVED like that, even through all my faults and failings. What is amazing in this season of my life is how GOD binds my wounds and reveals the inner healing right in front of my face. Having gone through a few years of constant set-backs (can you imagine?), GOD has repeatedly shown through it all that HIS LOVE covers it all. I'm particularly amazed at this season right now. Twice, so far, miraculous events have occurred in my sphere, where I have said out loud, 'this has to be GOD's hand because things don't happen this way, from brokenness'. Not in the natural, but GOD moves Super naturally in any and every situation, and HE leaves His DNA there tell tailing that it is HIM. This LOVE is SPLENDID and has many facets. In Romans 8:35-39, it tells of GOD'S LOVE and that nothing can separate or take HIS LOVE from us. Much will occur, but as HIS chosen generation, HIS holy nation, HIS peculiar people, HE has called out of darkness into the marvelous light, we are more than conquerors through HIM that LOVED us (1Pet.2:9). Super naturally, GOD has caused my heart to move in a direction I wouldn't have thought possible. When I realized it, (which took some doing to even be aware of) I could have turned a cart wheel (that right there would have been a miracle lol). It made my heart leap inside my chest!!! I began to smile bigger, rejoice longer, with gratitude, praise for revealed, in-your-face, awesomeness!! LOVE IS A MANY SPLENDID THING!!! 1John 4: 16-19 became clear as a glass of clear, water fall water. To know and believe GOD'S LOVE, that GOD is LOVE and with HIM on the inside (John 14:23) of me (us) this perfect LOVE destroys fear which has its own posse of tormentors and destroyers. I am empowered by this perfect LOVE, GLORY!!! In 1Cor .13:7 it states that LOVE bears, hopes, believes, endures all things. Let me testify right now that I have in the past and still do all that bearing, hoping, believing, and enduring in my life. Not by my might or strength, but by GOD'S power. 1John4:4. GOD doesn't love halfway either. HE is a: all in, full tilt, turbo charged, electrified, magnified, bring it, any distance, in your face, no fear here, just do it, Bam, whoop, there it is, can't touch this, watch me, but GOD, look at GOD, I know that's right, booeyow, kind of GOD. WOW!!!! The bump, bruises and scars, testify of GOD'S amazing Grace and new, Mercy and Goodness HE slathers on me daily without measure. His LOVE IS A MANY SPLENDID THING. It's astounding to me cause I want to be able to LOVE like that. I am a work in progress, lol. When I find myself on the receiving end of this Great LOVE, the results mesmerize me. At this point in time, I am walking in the clouds cause it has such a tremendous effect on me. It is like something you thought was over and done with, brought back to life again, re-loaded, part 2, next level, come again kind of thing, what, what!! The phrase "Glory to GOD" takes on new meaning. I can't say what will happen in the future, cause I didn't know any of this when I was going through those constant set- backs I spoke of earlier.(Joseph's story comes to mind right here). All I know and still know is GOD'S ways are higher than my ways and HE has a great plan for me. To HIM be ALL Glory, Honor, and High Praise. AMEN. Jesus is still LORD. Jeremiah 29, 1John4, John 14, 1Cor. 13,
Romans 8.
Romans 8.
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
For over a year, close to 2 years, a large road area near my once small hometown has been under construction. That might not be interesting news, but because this construction is happening in, near, and around one of the largest and busiest army bases,travel has become quite a challenge. This small town is becoming a booming metropolis, slowly and deliberately. So I will look at this issue with a Spiritual eye and explore what this means to a believer such as myself. First when you see those orange, red and yellow signs that tell the driver what is happening to the road, as you drive anywhere from 35mph to what ever the posted speed limit is, usually puts a pit in my inward parts. You maybe familiar with that feeling you get fellow driver, when traffic is backed up and you are in it. The signs that say things like: one lane ahead, merge right, merge left, detour, road closed, and my absolute favorite, the sign that the gentleman holds that has slow on one side and stop on the other side when there is one lane ahead. He usually has a walkie- talkie to communicate with his co-worker a half mile down the road to tell him when the coast is clear to let his side of the backed up traffic proceed. You can hear why that is my favorite, I'm usually at the stopped part of his sign, 50 or 60 cars deep with a half of tank of gas that disappears very quickly in these conditions. Yeah, I am excited as I write this, can't you tell? Thank God my car is my sanctuary of praise and worship unto God!!!Well that is the road conditions due to something new being constructed. So far, the newly re- constructed roads now take you in 3 different directions instead of 1. Oh yeah there are now new bridges in which you can drive on top of or underneath, take your pick. The new road is now considered an expressway or highway where as before re- construction it was a mere road. It grew up I suppose. You can go faster legally now due to the upgraded status. During this re- construction, traffic was terrible. Getting into my once small home town to get to my home, feels like bumper to bumper, inch by inch traffic movement I remembered when I use to live in a REAL metropolis, NYC years ago. However this post is not about traffic headaches and those construction projects. As I look at all the newness this construction work has accomplished thus far, I am taken to a few Scriptures the Holy Spirit is making me aware of and God's" re- construction" project in my own life. 2Cor.5:17 says if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, old things have passed away, look all things have become new. I am constantly seeing the new things God is doing in my existence. He is so purposeful and that is why the new has His signature. No human being can accomplish this. I love that when God moves supernaturally, no person, place, or thing can claim credit; glory belongs only to God. Like those road construction projects I spoke of, there use to be trees, a road, even a small neighborhood (3 mobile homes), a couple of restaurants, gas stations all removed to make room for the new that has come. And so for God's "re- construction" project, old things were removed to make room for the new. It wasn't easy or fast. It took time. The fruit of the Spirit, patience, was in full force. Like wise old things had to be removed, sometimes at a painful cost or even unexplainable at first. Remember Joseph in the old testament. What his loving brothers did to him was unthinkable and unimaginable. But when all was said and done, God had a purpose in that re- construction project and you know what came from it. Being in Christ, is, in my opinion, the most important part of that scripture, because doing so causes the process of "re- construction" to be endurable. Similar to traffic headaches, it can be hard and difficult. You know what Philip.4:13 says; I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me. Being in Christ and Faith makes that true and real. Anyone means just that, anyone. Read 2Cor. 5:17 carefully and take each word literally, God wants us to. He said so all through the scriptures, He is doing a new thing. Isaiah 42:9 is what a minister friend has been teaching me and I can clearly see this in my own life as well as in our existence. Read it and see how the former things have come and gone and new things are in our midst. God tells us He will tell us of them before they happen .GLORY TO GOD ALMIGHTY!! Remember my post entitled: Good Listeners...Obedience is better than Sacrifice? Listen with spirit filled ears to hear what the Holy Spirit is telling God's people. Jesus said, as the Good Shepherd, during His earthly ministry, "my sheep know my voice and another voice they will not follow". He said He will send the Holy Spirit that will speak only what He hears and show you things to come.(John 16:13) Guess who He ( the Spirit of Truth) is listening to? You guessed it right reader, God Himself!! Our Father in Heaven knows everything especially things to come, new things. He said He would tell us of them. Thank You God!!! Scripture tells us that He tells the prophets first (2Peter 1:19-21). So what's new? Where old things once existed, new things have replaced them. Some you see with natural sight, some with spirit filled eyes of faith. God will use whatever He so chooses to tell the matter. Old testament prophets spoke God's word to the people constantly. Jeremiah wept as God's Word fell on deaf ears. Ecclesiastes 10:20 makes me so aware that all the creation has a voice. This scripture is informational and says that even the birds can tell the matter. WOW!! So this "re- construction" project in my own life is similar to that of the road construction that is happening in the natural in my neck of the woods. New and improved roads have come out of this project. It was stressful and time consuming when it came to driving in and through these conditions. Patience was required for sanity's sake, and old things that were familiar do not exist any longer. Like wise, new and improved areas of my life have emerged from the "re- construction" project God began. From the old, new areas an improved ways to reach a variety of destinations. Being in Christ, I can see what GOD is doing and how He is leading. He WILL have His way, and in Christ, I can endure. New things constantly emerge as I travel the road daily. Look at your life dearest reader and see what GOD has "re-constructed". Our world and creation itself is also being "re-constructed". Is it me or is the sun brighter, warmer and larger? Is not the sky bluer, whiter, more colors than before are up above our heads, clouds seem puffier and larger? The moon looks bigger and brighter, stars are twinkling brighter and more of them, it seems. Creation seems to be singing a praise melody to the Creator Himself, GOD ALMIGHTY!! Could these be signs such as those road signs I talked about earlier? Saying something we need to hear. Of course these are all my personal opinions and observations about the creation my GOD placed me in and said take dominion. In doing so, I stand in awe at what is happening. Perhaps out of this "re-construction" project, comes forth the new song of praise in my mouth (Ps. 40:3) and the new command Jesus gave in John 13: 34-35 to love one another as He has loved us He said that is how the world will know we are His, by the love we have one to another. So much can come from reconstructing old things, such as the new covenant the Hebrew writer spoke of in Hebrews 8: 8-13. Read and see that the new thing which came from the old thing, made the old thing decayed and vanish away. Finally, I can say that the new re-constructed roads are better in terms of traffic. The flow seems to go smoothly. Out of chaos in the beginning of reconstruction comes several smooth, flowing highways that makes travel pleasant. I can testify that from GOD'S "re-construction" project for me, chaos came and from that, smooth, flowing newness. A change that I myself am adjusting to and it is wonderful. Walking by FAITH not by sight. Like Joseph in the old testament, that reconstruction had a purpose that wasn't known until much later. The purpose was a powerful one an only GOD could accomplish it!! HIS way are higher than ours. Blessed are GOD'S people!! JESUS IS LORD!!!! Isaiah 42: 8-12, Isaiah 43: 18-21,Isaiah 55 :8-13, Isaiah 61.
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