Monday, March 28, 2016


I don't know about you, but I have quoted that verse of scripture from Philippians 4:13 many times in my life and especially in the challenges of life.  It has constantly re-enforced the faith I have, that GOD is always strengthening me when my strength is tested.  Not my physical, muscle strength, but that too is included.  The strength that equates to the faith and strong belief in the truth that something bigger than me (GOD ALMIGHTY) is inside of me working on my behalf.(1John 4:4) Never more than right now in my life's events, has that been truer. Since the age of 18,  I have been a registered, legal driver.  I have owned a vehicle of some type for 30 years.   3
to be exact and they all lasted quite a while each one.  That can be a blessing in and of itself, (lol).  My first car was my favorite one because it was when I became a single parent.  Seat belts were not mandatory, so the kids would bounce back and forth from front to back often. (This was in the 80's a very different time than now. ) I could take them to school, pick them up, work different shifts at the club, things like that.  When they got older, the car embarrassed them, you know teenagers. It smoked and needed a paint job (think uncle Buck). My daughter hated when I had to pick her up at  high school, she was a teen, need I say more.  She claims I never put gas in the tank, she  only remembers me putting water in all the time (lol) the radiator leaked a bit but otherwise.  It lasted 13 years and I thank GOD for it.  Next car  was a nice foreign job my army neighbors sold me for a reasonable price.  They were both deploying and wanted to sell it.  The wife was really nice and I remember her telling me it would be great, cause the girls were teens and would look cool when they started to drive it. My daughters liked it, but it needed shocks and that was expensive for that make so after a while of shifting gears and bumping up and down, I didn't want that headache any longer.  Next came Janie B.  I named her after a family member that had staying power.  A red Mitzubishi mirage  that I had for 16 years.  She was 20 years old and sweet. After needing a new motor and other repairs too costly for her age, I thought it was time for a new car, so I junked her this past January and prayed for guidance and wisdom about what to do next.  4 months  before  all this happened, I began to believe GOD for a debt-free, new vehicle.  I have not had a car payment in 14 years and I am spoiled I admit. Even though things are not done that way, I am believing GOD that my prayers will be answered that way.  I sought out strong believers who prayed  with me, believed with me and encouraged me. They gave me sound advice and real world scriptures to stand on.  At this point is why I am blogging this title.  A few people have come across my path with their lack of faith that GOD can do such a thing.  It amazes me that we can have strong faith in man-made things, ideas, concepts,  and such, when it is GOD that causes man to make things,  have ideas,  come up with concepts and such anyway. Does it become legit when we take GOD out of the process?  Well, I want to believe that I can do all things through Christ, living  inside me and that no thing is impossible.  Christ said so himself and I choose to believe that.  So since I am believing Him,  GOD has caused all things to work together for good (Rom 8:28).  As I believe my new, debt-free vehicle will soon manifest  (no it is not going to fall out the sky), GOD has caused many blessings to come my way in some strange ways.  People are willing to help, offering me rides here and there, taxicabs have reduced fares, buses have waited when they should have long since left , several times in serious situations not of my doing, I was offered to be driven to locations by law enforcement personnel, (no, not to jail  lol),  fellow travelers have spoken enthusiastically and helpfully when info was needed fellow walkers are always cheerful and joyful at having a companion to walk & talk with.  PEOPLE ARE NICE!!  Here and now I am reminded  of something Paul said that I seem to be walking in right now. He said in Philippians 4: 11-12 "what so ever state I am in , I can adjust and be content...I know how to be abased and abound or have a lot, or be in need and suffer want" (author's liberal paraphrase) " I can do all things through  CHRIST which strengthens me". That is more truer now in this season in my life than at any time prior.  Having to do things in a newer and different way can have an effect on you.  It is up to you as to how the effect, effects you.  Positively or negatively. choose.  I have always looked on the brighter side of things my whole life anyway so I am going to take it in stride.  The cup is half full in my opinion.  Lemons ? = Lemonade  Count the rainbows rather than gripe about the rain.  There is a light at the end of the tunnel,  clouds have silver  linings, it could have been so much worse.  You get the picture here reader?  Your viewpoint on any situation can determine so many things, especially how many points on the blood pressure cuff.  It is hard in the " hard place".  That is why it is called the "hard place".  Further down in that same chapter in verse 19,  Paul goes on to say " But my GOD shall supply all your need according to  HIS riches in GLORY  by THE ANOINTED ONE".  Another well quoted scripture that I can say is more truer now than ever. Through this time of 'vehicle challenge' (let's call it lol), I am seeing some of the provisions of GOD front and center.  Even in the "hard place", GOD'S goodness comes into the picture blazing like a polishing fire.  Yes,  I could go to the car lot and choose one and go through the accepted/ approval/car payment route  (I have not ruled that out), that too is an option.  I want the guidance I an praying for, to guide me, whichever way I go.   Most of the past decisions  about important things in my life  have turned out negatively for one  reason only.  I did not seek GOD'S wisdom in the matter.  When He guides me, things turn out well.  GOD is good to me, yeah even while I am using "mike &Charlie" He still good, trustworthy, faithful and loyal .   It is easy to trust GOD when all is well, things are flowing as they should,  the sun is shinning, and balloons are everywhere.   But what about the other end of the spectrum.  Can I trust GOD when the rain is falling, the flow is blocked, and all the balloons have popped.  What about when all is NOT well?  It is in these times that I learn a lesson from my friends Job and David.  To sum it:  There is no where else to turn but to GOD and TRUST HIM, period!  Jesus said "HAVE FAITH IN GOD", so there is the answer for me.  I will believe that HIS promises are true.  He didn't have to say any of this, but HE did and HE is GOD ALMIGHTY so I will HAVE FAITH IN GOD, it is not optional.  Blessings on GOD'S people!!
Mark 11:22-24, John 14 :13-14, 1John5 :14-15, 1John3: 21-22,  Luke11:9-10, John 16:23, Matt.18:19, Matt.21:22.  Jesus is LORD!