Sunday, May 2, 2010

From The Top Of The Stars To The Bottom Of The Deep Blue Sea The Name Of The Lord Is To Be Praised!!!!

From the top of the stars to the bottom of the deep blue sea the Name of The LORD is to be praised!!! Praised!! I looked that word up in the Webster and it's definition is: an expression of admiration or approval of:; to honor or to glorify, as of a god (little g). Commendable. These are adaquate definitions if we are talking about something natural,  something that is seen,  something we can touch physically,  or we can feel it with our senses.  But this definition doesn't come close enough to what the Bible says of Praising our God.  I would rather blog about the Bible's say of Praising God. It gives us an idea of what praise and worship is, sounds like and from where it comes from and who and what should be praising God. The what part of that comes from what Jesus said  during His Triumphal entry into Jerusalem to the shouts and praises of many people and the pharisees  among the crowd wanted Jesus to rebuke the shouts of praise and He said if He did that the very stones would shout  and burst into cheers (Luke19 :36-40). Stones! Thats the same as bricks and mortar isn't it? This is and inanimate object, that Jesus said would shout praises. I will not be out done with my praise by a brick. I will open my mouth and praise God!!! The Scriptures say Let everything breathing praise the name of the Lord(Psalm150).There are times when I don't "feel" like praising God. It could be a good reason: family pressures, finances,materialistic issues,people stresses, whatever it is I just don't "feel" like it. Has that ever happen to you at times? Probably not, cause I feel sometimes I am the only one dealing with something.  Everybody seems to have it all together.  Well not me. I fall down  daily and so I depend on this relationship with God to restore me and keep me sane.  So even when I dont feel like praising God ,I praise  God more during this time cause the enemy is seeking a moment of weakness when he can pounce. So moving my "feelings" aside (1Thessalonians 5:19)  I praise God with my whole heart (Psalm 9: 1-2). Praise and Worship is after all a heart issue, so I let my heart speak to God. The Bible says out of the abundance of the Heart, the mouth speaks. King David said it well when he said "I will call on the Name of the LORD,who is Worthy to be Praised(2 Samuel 22:4,  Psalm18:3). Praising God allows the fruit of the Spirit - Joy to manifest itself freely.   With that fruit comes strength. So if I understand this correctly, praising God with my whole heart, brings out JOY (from the fruit bowl, Galatians 5:22)  which also strengthens me. WOW!!!! I am about to get to Praising God! (Psalm 47:6-7) I'll try to finish this blog first after all it is Holy Spirit inspired and I want to be obedient. Why not live a life of Praise  and Worship to God.  Daily,  hourly,  minutely  (that may not be a word) at all times have that praise to The Father ready for His ears. He sees into your heart and knows you. Praise Him!!! There are always reasons to Praise God: He healed me,  He hears me when I call to Him,  He strengthens me,  loves me,  protects me in the secret place, forgives me,  has unlimited,  new mercy everyday,  provides for me,  keeps me sane, (I should have lost it by now) gave me a Redeemer that grants  me total entry into the  THRONE ROOM,  just to name a few reasons.  But for me it is a LOVE issue.  It would take me forever to tell you my story,  so I wont.  But I will say that when I was a young child  God watched over me and  He still is.  He has shown steadfast love and committment to me from way back.  I believe He is IN LOVE with ME!  Yes you heard me.  ME!!!!  I can't say that about anyone else but God!  Others love me, yes but God is In LOVE with this girl.  Why else would He call me  His Beloved,  His Masterpiece?  Oh yeah  He said that about you as well.  He's in LOVE with you as well!!!  My heart is fixed (Psalm 57:7,9) and in the sun  I will praise God!  In the darkness I will praise God! On top of the mountain I will praise God!! Down in the valley I will praise God! When I am hurting in my heart and body  I will praise God! Come what may! I will praise God.  I have to  He has done such Great things for me, what about you? (Psalm 67:3). All  creation declare the wondrous works of THE KING, the trees stand at constant attention to God,,  the birds sing  non - stop to their creator, mountains bow at the mention of His Name, the sky reveals pictures God paints,  the ground sprouts seeds planted by His Hand, and His only,  air twist and turns as he puts his feet up, and the waters splish and splash as He walks across them, yet,  obeys when He says,  BE STILL.  Glory to God!!!! I will enter His gates prasing Him and worshipping, thanking God for never leaving me alone. (Psalm 100).  My friend,  start to praise God at all times,  continually (Psalm34:1) and watch the Mighty things that come from such an act of worship to our God.    So, from the top of the stars,  to the bottom of the deep blue sea,  the Name Of The LORD is to be  PRAISED!!!!  I love you,   God loves you,  and Jesus is LORD!!!!  Psalm 136.

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