Friday, June 18, 2010


The men Jesus called to follow Him were such a diverse group of individuals each with their strengths and weaknesses and such. Jesus simply said to each "follow Me" and they left whatever they were doing at that moment and followed Him. Their Destiny began the amazing journey that would forever mark a New Testement into what Life is really all for. Somehow these men knew that when Jesus (whom they didn't know about yet) called for them to "follow Him" without thought, question(where we going? comes to mind here) or hesitation they responded. Right here I am sensing in my spirit - man that The Holy Spirit had to have pricked their hearts, causing them to act, although this 3rd member of The Trinity had not yet come. Glory to God!! So they each decided to leave and go where no man has gone before. Walking along side God Himself in the form of man among us( Matthew 1:23).Glory!! How else could they know?  Extraordinary---for lack....  But for this posting, I am called to write about one Disciple in particular and that is John. The son of Zebedee (Matthew 4:21), brother to James (not Jesus' brother by mother Mary.)and the Disciple Jesus Loved. That is were ministry is and I shall endeavor to take this message The Spirit of The Lord put inside my heart and write about it. The Disciple Jesus loved?  Of course He loved them all, but this Disciple is repeatedly referred to as The ONE Jesus loved.  Jesus himself said so when up on the cross He gave His precious mother to this Disciple (John 19:26-27nlt). As I studied John, I have discovered some things about him that stand out and display his love and devotion to the Savior. John and his brother James asked Jesus for the priviledge to sit with Him at his right and left hand in Glory (Mark 10:35-40). This sounds like they were saying wherever you are Jesus we want to be there as well, even in this place of Glory You speak of.  Hallelujah!! I believe that when Jesus prayed His High Priestly prayer (John 17) shortly before the betrayal,perhaps in the Garden of Gesemane(?) John was the Disciple who heard it word for word and that each Disciple couldn't keep their eyes open, but John couldn't close his. He couldn't take his eyes off of Jesus at any time, the love he had for Jesus was all too powerful and consuming. The prayer starts out by saying " After saying these things, Jesus lifted up His eyes to Heaven and said"....(John 17:1 kjv). This statement is so telling, because John would have to have his eyes on Jesus' eyes to know that He lifted them up to Heaven. The others couldn't keep theirs open but again John couldn't close his. Glory!!! Love does strange things at times.  He heard this Prayer that The Savior of the world prayed for us at a time when He knew what was to come momentarily. Right here I can say that My Lord and Savior had me and you on His mind when He prayed this powerful prayer. He interceded to The FATHER for us as his betrayal was soon approaching. He prayed for us!! Not Himself, us!! Glory to God in the Highest Heaven!! Glory to our God !!! What a Lover this Is !! Read and meditate the prayer and ask God to open your spiritual eyes and allow you to see the Love oozing from such an act of GRACE. John was a witness and his cup overflowed. I can say that it is overwhelming, this Love God has for us, imagine the disciples walking with LOVE in the FLESH. John was overcome so much so that he laid on Jesus' bosom at The Passover Supper.(John 13:23,25 kjv).  Not content with a close encounter, he wanted total body touching as he asked who the betrayer would be. Just imagine yourself laying on Jesus chest, not wanting to move ever again. Hallelujah!! John had this experience. How awesome could this have been for Him?   When the Disciples were again fishing after Jesus' resurrection it was the Disciple Jesus loved who recognized Him when He said to them to throw their nets on the right hand side of the boat (John 21:7). Jesus indicated that the Disciple He loved would live longer than the others ( John 21:20-23) . Perhaps that is why John is the Disciple that writes a good bit of the book of Revelation.  He out ran Peter  when Mary Magdalene found the tomb empty and she thought that they had stolen the body of Jesus, she came and told them and John's heart propelled him to reach the scene first.(John 20:1-10).  He didn't go in first although he outran Peter and reached the tomb first. Speculation right here tells me that he was overwhelmed or protocol dictated that the lead Disciple go first. Or he needed to catch his breath and perhaps prepare his heart for what was to come next. He was in love afterall. What ever or whichever these this is speculation and the Bible doesn't say. God chose John to write Revelation and speak to the 7 churches directly from Jesus (THE FAITHFUL WITNESS) by way of an angel He sent to John.( Revelation1:4-5). He  was allowed to see the New Heaven and The New Earth, The Holy City, New Jerusalem coming down from God out of Heaven, a beautiful Bride ready for her Husband ( Revelation 21:1-2).  GLORY TO GOD!!  Holy! Holy! Holy!! I can't say any thing but Holy!  John. What a testement to the Love of God. Jesus saw something in John that caused him to respond to him differently than the others. He loved each one,  Peter was the rock He would build the Church upon (Matthew 16:17-19). He spoke blessings over each ONE.  But ONE stood out and above the rest and as a result, he revealed the Plan  Jesus spoke to Him about in Revelation. I choose to believe it is a heart issue. Jesus looks upon the heart and what He saw in John's heart cause Him to move in Him powerfully, Glory! Remember my friend, God looks upon the HEART of man and sees much. What does your Heart speak? It is talking to THE CREATOR that created it whether you know it or not. Be Blessed  of God !!  I love you,  Jesus loves you and He is Lord!! John21:24-25.

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