Thursday, July 5, 2012

   IT'S  HOT..... DRINK DEEP!!!

The temperature lately has been extremely high. Our local weather men have dubbed it "extreme heat" when they talk about the weather. Here in the mid-southeast we have had our temps hover between 95 and 105 degrees. There was relief in the evening and then at night but that was last summer.  Night doesn't bring much relief,  not lately.  I have a friend I was speaking with recently and she said something to me concerning flowers and it hit  my heart and I knew there was wisdom from above in what she said,  so I am going to try to make  it's  (wisdom) case. My friend said one evening at about 7:00 p.m.  when there was a slight,  much needed,  much appreciated,  breeze that made us both say "Thank You Jesus", that she was going to water the flowers,  this is the time to give them a big drink  because it would help them stand in the "extreme heat" much better because of the water saturation  in their roots.  This would help them in the "heat of the day" when temps were at their  highest. You gardeners probably already know this.  But this blog is all about  The ALL POWERFUL,  HOLY TRINITY:  THE FATHER,  THE SON,  AND THE HOLY SPIRIT,  so when she said that,  my heart heard something else totally different  than what she was talking about,  but the same,  an analogy of sorts. Those flowers needed water given to them at a particular time to help them survive a  difficult time,  likewise,  we as believers need God's  Holy Word  in us so that we can survive  in the difficult times as well.  When His Word,  which is a LIVING WORD, is  inside,  residing,   abiding,  spoken   and believed,  it has the power to do for us  what the water does for the flowers,  help us survive in the difficult times.  Faith makes this WORD come to life and perform  what it promises.  Saturated with the WORD,  makes a soul flourish when the "heat" is on  and becomes a reservoir in which to draw from.  That doesn't mean that difficulties wont come,  nor am I talking to those that have no problems,   they have it all together I suppose,  whatever.   No I am talking to God's people that face the everyday challenges of this life,   and ask that question we all ask at times:   Where are you Lord?  This deep abiding WORD in me has kept me from going: crazy, off, bonkers, loco, ballistic, the deep end, on drugs, alcohol, tabacco, into  a life of crime and any other ills of society.  Because His WORD is truth  (John 17:17) and saturated with it  I dwell in that secret place (Psalm 91). He said in His WORD to be still and know...(Psalm 46:10)  that be still stuff means in the difficult times when things are topsy and turvy. When all is well, you have no need to be still, it is when the heat is "extreme" and the  "heat is on", that abiding WORD  will steady you. His promises are in His WORD and faith in this abiding WORD makes it act. Psalm 1 is full of good water and my cup is full on verses 2 - 3 (kj) where it says "but his delight is in the law of the Lord....meditating day and night on his law...he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water...fruitful...not withering, prospering". (authors paraphrase) I will not write and say all I do is read God's WORD day and night, that would be a lie,  but I do feed on His WORD and allow ONLY His WORD as nourishment for my soul and spiritman.  Nothing else satisfies like GOD!!! As I look at my life, I ask what can be sustaining me this many decades, and the answer is not man, woman, boy, or girl.  It is the goodness and faithfulness of my GOD! (Psalm118: 13-14).  The WORD comes out of me in the dark hour and helps me, it comes out down in the valley, and lifts me to higher ground, it comes out in the rain and stormy season and His voice says  "peace, be still", "this far and no farther" it comes out when the sun is high and brings with it a rainbow signaling God' promises in HIS WORD. So  I will continue to DRINK DEEP, cause IT'S HOT!!    God Bless The reader!   Jesus is LORD!!  GOD LOVES YOU!!   Psalm 100,  Psalm118:24, Psalm 63.

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