Saturday, December 4, 2010
This is the time and the season we celebrate the birth of THE KING. A Glorious time in humanity when the CREATOR, GOD ALMIGHTY said this is when I shall step down momentarily from My Heavenly Throne and come to the place and people I created and SAVE them (Matthew 1:23).What an AWESOME TIME this season of JESUS is!!! We get to see with eyes wide-open, every nation, place, all around the world, THIS BIRTHDAY CELBRATION OF THE KING, JESUS CHRIST!!! JESUS, JESUS, JESUS, (that Name, how sweet it is to the mouth and tongue) EMMANUEL ,GOD AMONG US, who has never left us alone (Hebrews 13:5). So as this decision was made in the HEAVENLIES, all the angels and the Heavenly Host, all began to celebrate, and rejoice and prepare to make the visit to the creation and make this announcement. A young virgin, full of faith, and willing to be the carrier of the PRECIOUS SEED, said "be it unto me.."(Luke 1:38) What powerfull words that would FOREVER AND ALL TIMES have a life altering impact on humanity. Say it in your heart and SPIRIT when the CREATOR ASK YOU TO DO SOMETHING for HIM. So earth began to realize and know that HEAVEN and earth were about to have a DIVINE connection that would have life saving, life changing,abundant life implications for all times.GLORY TO GOD!!! Our God came into this place KING of kings, Reigning, forever, being GREATER than all others and Higher than all others, in fact, THE HIGHEST!! (LUKE 1:32). HOSANNA IN THE HIGHEST!!! He came bringing many GIFTS to give to those who accept,confess, and believe on Him.(Romans 10:17).HALLELUJAH!!! Christmas is truley the most wonderfull time of the year, because of why. Jesus! Jesus! Jesus! It is a sight to behold when looking at every place, every location, everywhere, all around this world, the displays that sing out in adoration and love, affection, honor, recognition, praise, worship,something to recognize and honor THE BIRTH OF THE KING!!!UNTO GOD BE GLORY! Pay attention, we don't look alike, we don't all speak the same language, we are diverse in all areas from soups to nuts (so to speak), but the one thing that unites us in this season of merry and jolly, peace and joy is the celebration of the birthday of THE KING OF kings AND LORD OF ALL.HALLELUJAH!!! Our GOD is an AWESOME GOD, Stronger than any other, Awesome in POWER (John 10:18,John 17:2),HIGHER than any other (Hebrews 3:1),Greater (Hebrews 13:20, 1John 4:4) and indwelling each of us that chooses HIM, shining in darkness (1 John 1:5, John 12:46) with healing in HIS WINGS (Exodus 15:26,Psalm 103:3,Luke 5:17,Matthew 9:35)!!PRAISE TO THE KING!!!There is none like you JESUS, You are a MIGHTY GOD AND WE WORSHIP YOU!!! This season and for all time look to the CREATOR who created you (Genesis 1:27), draw close to Him in intimacy ( John12:32) and watch what happens in your life. This is such a GLORIOUS time right now, and this generation is an eye witness to the LOVE display to THE KING.GLORY! Philippians 2 is indeed a favorite chapter of mine in this LOVE LETTER, (I LOVE THE HOLY WORD, ALL OF IT) and verses 9-11 jump out at this particular time and season. It states that "wherefore GOD also hath highly exalted HIM, and given HIM a NAME which is above every name: That at the NAME of JESUS, every knee should bow,of things in heaven,and things in the earth and things under the earth (Praise God for the dead in Christ 1 Thessalonians 4:15-18);and that every tongue should confess that JESUS CHRIST is LORD to the glory of GOD THE FATHER".Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna!! JESUS, JESUS, JESUS!! We are witnessing the "every" part of that Scripture unfolding at this time and this season, Every Place,Every Location, All Places, All Locations, All around this world, Everywhere!!! TO GOD BE THE POWER AND THE GLORY FOREVER, AMEN!!! God Loves you, I Love you, and JESUS is LORD!! Psalm 91, Psalm 15, Psalm 150, Psalm 135. TheChaser.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Can you remember what a Noun is? A Noun is a word that names a person, place, or thing.We all learned that back in the day in school. Today's blog is going to talk about 2 things we learned back in school and their relationship to a close intimate and personal one on one relationship with God AlMighty. I titled it Pray the Nouns,- cause as we pray, we pray for people, places and of course things then an Acrostic, which I will get to in a bit. When Jesus walked this earth in His ministry, The Scriptures tell us that He constantly was in prayer to His Father. He even prayed for us in His High Priestly Prayer to The Father, citing our protection and safe- keeping from the evil one (John 17:15,20). He went about doing good, healing all who were sick and oppressed of the devil.Sickness and disease is of the devil and therefore as believers we have the Power in the Name that is above everything with a name to break its grip (Philippians 2:10). Mark 9:29,Jesus tells the disciples how important prayer is when they tried to cast out an evil spirit in a boy and couldn't. He said :"This kind can be cast out only by prayer". As we pray for people, at times, we will have to cry out to God on behalf of them as we lift them in prayer to the Father, praying the Healing Scriptures back to Him. Family members, sick people, strangers,( remember the good samaritan), children, leaders, enemies, whoever, our faith - filled prayers is what our Heavenly Father's eyes and ears are attentive to (1Peter 3:12). Praying a place maybe the easiest of the Pray the Nouns subject. Pick a place where God's Word is dim or non - existant and cry out for that place for God's Mighty Life - Saving, Life - Sustaining Word to be proclaimed there by any an all Laborers He will send into those vineyards. Nations where the Name of Jesus is Forbidden, begin to call these places out in your prayer time and declare that God's Word will saturate these places bringing with it LIFE more abundantly (John 10:10). Support those that attempt and those that take the Love of God and this Gospel message into this darkness (John 12:46).Our world is in a trouble time and it is because we have pushed the Creator of it away opting for "other things" instead (Mark 4:7,19). Praying for the thing is not what you may think. Jesus said in Matthew 21:13 That His Father's House shall be called a house of prayer... In Luke 11:1 Jesus went to a CERTAIN place to pray... this sounds like to be effective in prayer oneness with God is vital. Jesus taught the disciples how to pray, yet the oneness with God was as important as faith and the prayer itself. The early church devoted themselves to the apostles teachings, fellowship, communion, and prayer daily (Acts2:42).The Love Book says that they gave themselves continually to prayer and ministry of the Word, lifting their voice to God on ONE accord declaring Him God ,Creator of Heaven, Earth, The Sea and all things, GLORY TO GOD ALMIGHTY!!!( Acts 4:24,Acts 6:4). Afflicted,sick, merry, whatever the case may be, The Love Book says to pray. The prayer of faith will save the sick...James 5:13,15,16. Faith-filled prayer works!!! God Hears and responds to the faith filled believer, Glory,Glory, Glory!!!!An Acrostic is my next ministry tool for this blog. Webster's dictionary meaning of acrostic is a written message whose initial letters form a word or another message. In school we have an acrostic that we use called DEAR. It stands for: Drop Everything And Read. Our students love Dear and they appreciate the opportunity they get when they can just get quiet for a while and enjoy a good book.It is a readers paradise for a few minutes of the learning day when reading a book that takes you into an adventure, a special place, or a fantasy escapade, whatever, it has been proven to be a very enjoyable time in a school day. My acrostic for this blog will be entitled GO DEAP! (deep). Yes deep is spelled incorrectly, but I need the letter a although it does not belong there. It is silent anyway. GO DEAP! stands for: GOD ONLY!!! DROP EVERYTHING AND PRAY. It is a time when your spiritman says to you STOP!!!! It is time right now to pray and don't stop until there is a release in your spiritman. An indication that God has given you the answer to this request. GO DEAP! each day and refuse to quit until you know that you have touched His throne for your request. Only God can answer you when you GO DEAP! This is not a prayer partner situation, no,this is one on one, between you and GOD, this is a GO DEAP! situation whereby ONLY GOD can and will respond. Look through the Scriptures and search for the GO DEAP! people and see how GOD responded to them. Listen and read how they cried out to GOD!!pay attention to how HE answered them.Continually thank Him for hearing and answering you,( Whether you have or see the answer yet )declare unashamedly your love and devotion to the CREATOR who CREATED you.Talk to HIM CONSTANTLY as HE does us.Shhhh.Listen. Let your heart meditation be pleasing and acceptable to HIM. Let me suggest you look to GOD and GO DEAP! as you seek answers for situations and circumstances. He loves us!!!! I love you, God ALMIGHTY loves you and Jesus is LORD!!! John 15, Psalm 139. Be Blessed Of GOD!!
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Compare and Contrast: The Venn Diagram
Todays lesson will be one that will focus on a news item we all witnessed or know a little about and The Visible Hand of God AlMighty in it.In school we use a strategy in Literacy called The Venn Diagram to help students compare and contrast two things,people, places,whatever it may be. This diagram is two interconnecting oval shaped circles (they don't have to be oval, but circles) in which there are now three distinct areas to write information in. One section on the left side of the circle is for the subject on that side and one section on the right side of the circle is for that subjects information and in the middle where the circles meet, that space is for the information the two subjects have in common or are alike. This diagram is successful in helping students learn how to decipher information about a subject and to put that information in the category to which it belongs. I would like to use The Venn in todays blog and the two subjects for the diagram will be the three Hebrew boys - Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego on the left of the diagram and the 33(34) Chilean miners on the right side of the diagram, and in the middle - the common area, is where ministry is and I shall strive to bring words to pictures in this area The HOLY SPIRIT has trusted me to write.(Psalm 71:19). To God be all the glory for all things He allows because His Word says that ALL things work together for good to them that LOVE GOD and are called according to HIS purpose (Romans 8:28).At times those things can be bad, as this situation was for these miners and for the three Hebrew boys in their situation. So let us learn what we can. The common area of the diagram is this: both subjects were entrapped and seemingly at the end of all hope: Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were thrown into a firery, flaming, furnace upon the orders of the king,(Daniel 3:19-22), the Chilean miners were stranded a mile under the earth, unable (seemingly) to be freed. Both believed and HAD FAITH IN GOD (Mark 11:22) as the miners stated upon their rescue and during their communications throughout this ordeal, and Shadrach, Meshach,and Abednego stated clearly and unashamedly that GOD would deliver them from this fire pit (Daniel 3:1-17). Both had the presence of THE LORD with them in these ordeals- the king checked on Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego after they were thrown into the firery, flaming, furnace and clearly saw 4 men walking around unbound, not burned, not singed, not scorched, free,(Daniel 3:23-27) (Psalm 119:156).GLORY TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST!!! One of the Chilean miners stated upon his rescue that there were 34 of them under ground.PRAISES!!!! God NEVER lets go of HIS PROPERTY no matter what happens. His LOVE and MERCY is forever and enduring through everything (Lamentations 3:21-23). It is in the pains and difficulty in life that we see that so clearly. Both captives were freed without a sign of any kind of indication there ever was a captivity.GLORY!!! You would think that with fire, something is going to get burned to some degree or another, but when THE CREATOR spoke to the fire it obeyed and was rendered powerless in HIS PRESENCE. GLORY TO GOD ALMIGHTY!! The Chilean miners emerged from this place in the deep after 69 days, without a trace of injury, illness, impairment, hindrance to them. You would think that some type of injury or impairment would accompany this kind of situation or atleast a malady of some degree, but nothing. GLORY TO GOD - SUSTAINER!! At this writing, all but 2 are released from the hospital with a clean bill of health. TO YOU ALONE GOD BE ALL THE GLORY!!!! Upon their rescue, they knelt in humble adoration and thanksgiving to God ALMIGHTY, who saved them and gave them life and returned them back to their loved ones. They knew WHO caused this situation to work out this way (Romans 8:28) and they wanted the watching world to know as well. God does great things right in front of our eyes and to such a degree, that it is without doubt that HIS hand was there.(Psalm 86:10). He provides the HEAVENLY DIVINE ASSIST that only comes from on HIGH. He alone gave the wisdom, knowledge, and fortitude to the people to come up with the device they would use to cause this rescue to be successful. They heard HIM and obeyed HIS guidance and NEVER gave up. HOSANNA!!!LET OUR KING BE LIFTED UP IN THE HIGHEST!!! Finally, both subjects were in complete faith that GOD ALONE would save them and stated it verbally and in their hearts. Faith is a vital part to GOD moving in on our circumstance. The Scriptures say that it is impossible to please GOD without FAITH and that we will need to believe that HE exists when we come boldy to HIM (Hebrews 11:6), (Hebrews 4:16) where we find GRACE and help in our time of need.All this comes as we seek to have and maintain an intimate relationship with our CREATOR.(Psalm 126). So to put and end to the compare and contrast lesson for today, look for the distinctions of GOD and His MIGHTY Hand in everything. Psalm 136. HE is SAVIOR and LORD!!! God loves you. I love you. Jesus is LORD!! Philippians 2:1-18.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
2 Minute Lesson Plan
Now that school has resumed and we are well off to a fantastic start to the new school year, it has been brought to my attention, by the Glorious Holy Spirit, that there is a commonality between school and The Bible. I am sure there are several things they both have in common, however, I shall highlight one that I depend on when called to perform my job.As a substitute teacher, I depend on the lesson plans a teacher leaves for me to follow and teach in her absence from class that day.A lesson plan is a detailed instruction on the subjects and assignments the class is currently working on. It also includes schedules for the class, page numbers, helpful information, safety proceedures, health info, dismissal info, staff info, phone numbers, end- of- day requirements and such. All needed information a substitute teacher will need to ensure smooth sailing in a successful day of learning, in the temporary absence of a teacher. It is very time consumming and takes way longer than 2 Minutes. As the Spirit began to teach me this particular subject for this posting, I entitled it 2 Minute Lesson Plan cause that is about the amount of time Jesus took to give out His divine plan of salvation to Saul of Tarsus by way of Ananias. So as it goes, Saul was on his way to Damascus with permission slips from the high priest of the synagogues to arrest and bring back bound and gagged, those who followed Jesus (Acts 9:1-2). On the road to Damascus, wham, he was struck and blinded by a light from Heaven, and a voice asking him what's up with that? (author's paraphrase). Saul had the good sense to fall to the ground and ask who are you and what do you want me to do Lord? Jesus said to him go into the city and it shall be told to you what you must do.So in a matter of a couple of minutes, the persecutor of the followers of Christ,who is now blinded from this Glorious Light that shone all over and around and through him, had a 2- way conversation with the Creator of the Universe and his original plan was altered forever.(Acts 9) As he and those who accompanied him came in to Damascus,he couldn't function at all for 3 days. No eating, no sleeping, no seeing, nothing except praying. It is always comforting to know when our world has been turned upside down, we can pray, and God hears us and answers us,by faith (Jeremiah 33:3). At this time God spoke to a believer named Ananias in a 2- way conversation and gave Ananias the rest of the 2 Minute Lesson Plan to give to Saul.I believe God uses believers cause they walk by faith and not by sight (2 Corinthians 5: 7). So Ananias followed the plan after God assured him that Saul is the one I am going to use. What was this plan you may ask? That Saul would be the one God chose to bring the message of salvation (Jesus) to the Gentile nation of people (you and me, if you are not a Jew) and to Kings and the children of Israel (Acts 9:15). It took 2 minutes to spell out what would be a life altering, life changing, message to a nation of people our Loving God included in THE PLAN. You and me. I stand in awe of the way He chose to tell us and the person selected to deliver this message and more so THE PLAN. He chose a person who by all accounts believed the Word but not THE WORD MADE FLESH (John 1:1). So He came to Saul personally, preached Himself to Saul and made him an Apostle (sent )(Galatians 1:1,15,16). Jesus convinced this former persecutor with a 2 Minute Lesson that changed his heart and caused him to preach Christ and Him only for all his life forward. No matter what happened to him, he preached Christ and Christ alone(2 Corinthians 11:22-27)! He used his life's work as a persecutor of The Way, as a testimony of the life change. Only a loving Jesus can cause that kind of change. Out of the 27 Books in the New Testement this Apostle wrote 13 for sure and possibly more. Hebrews and a good part of Acts maybe. That is more than Peter a beloved disciple who walked alongside of Jesus, James and Jude (aka Judas-not Iscariot), Jesus' half brothers. I think that this is significant information since all Scripture is Holy Spirit inspired. The Holy Spirit chose who would minister to the larger segment of His people. He covered everything from love to hate and everything in between. He preached to the Gentiles that Christ is inside each and all of us and that we can believe by faith (Galatians 3:14). His message on the GRACE of God has set many believers free (John 8:36). God wanted His message brought to all of us and He chose Saul (later Paul) to bring it. Saul is not the way of salvation, He is the preacher God Almighty used to deliver the message. Thank God for Saul's obedience to this mighty call on his life. We are all called to have an impact on our world as well. We have been given a 2 Minute Lesson Plan also. It states it clearly in Mark 16:15-18: "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature..." Tell someone about The Living Christ and His saving, healing power found in an intimate relationship with Him. John 3:15-17, John 6:32-50,John 14. God loves you I love you and Jesus is Lord!!
Monday, September 20, 2010
Well it is that time of the year again. By now we are all back in school all over this nation and well on our way to a new year of learning and teaching. It is very exciting this new school year for many reasons. Newness always brings with it an excitement on the level of that kind of kid- anticipation you have on Christmas day or an unexpected party in your honor or being chosen for something from among many contenders. As a teacher (substitute) I have begun to hear myself and the slogans we educators find ourselves saying tons of times in the course of a day. One of them is simple but effective: Shhhhhhhh. You may say it at times as a parent or in your line of work as well. Shhhhhhh, followed by Listen carefully are words students hear that tell them that the information next is important, so listen up. God told us in His Word something similar when He said "Be Still and Know that I AM God....."Psalm 46:10. He was saying so much more than shhhh. I think He was telling us to quiet ourselves from all the noise (white and otherwise) and listen for His Voice. Remember when God AlMighty was speaking to Elijah after Jezebel threatened his life, he was in a cave and God said to him to stand on the mountain where He passed by in an earthquake, strong wind and fire. God said to Him that though these things happened , He was in the still, small, voice that came after all that. 1Kings 19. This sounds a bit like God was saying that although things come and shake things up, break things and sweep things away, He is still there so quiet yourself and listen for Him. He's not in the noise and racket of life, He is still, quiet, peaceful. Another thing I find myself saying in my classrooms with the students a lot is : "1,2,3 all eyes on me".(lower grades of course) That is a way of helping students to track the teacher (speaker). When tracking occurs, this technique allows students to focus better on what is being discussed at that time and their complete attention is on the speaker. A student can hear and process their directions better and proceed with classwork or whatever, with a clearer understanding of what is expected. Non- focused students can't process as well and repetion will have to happen. Likewise with us if we put our eyes on God and trust His Word, we too can get a clear understanding of Him and what is required of us. We can't do that if we are not focused on Him. We have many things that snatch our attention away from God. Much of it we allow and some we freely give away. Besides having every electronic device mankind has ever made, we have every event we must attend in a weeks time, every function must be kept by us or our kids,our calendars and date books and planners are loaded down months in advance of this date. We busy ourselves a great deal and that doesn't include tracking God. Cause to track God means time spent with Him. How you ask? Reading His word, something called Bible reading, talking to Him,(much like you would talk to a dear friend or loved one), Listening to Him, quiet time in His Presence, praying to Him in the Spirit or in your own words, singing praises to Him,(we were created to praise God), all out Love- Making to our God. Time well spent , if I may say so. You give it a try, and see for yourself. At times when we are in traveling position,at school, we are about to leave the classroom for another location in or out of the school. We could be going to a resource or lunch or outside, etc and during this time of movement, I tell my students that we are in the "Quiet Zone" there is no talking. Some times there are those who "forget" and when I catch them my response is typically "shhhhhh, we are in the hallway and it is a quiet zone, no talking". It works most of the time. We try not to disturb other classes, learning is happening all day in every classroom, every day. Quiet Zone? In our everyday lives our Quiet Zone is that place in your spiritman, innerself, where God is constantly speaking to us. He is speaking to each person with blood flowing in their veins. That is you and that is me. SHHHHH can you hear Him? Go to your Quiet Zone and listen for Him. There is noise in this world so you will have to quiet the noise to hear cause His voice is still, small. No talking in the Quiet Zone only listening. Turn off that electronic thing for a while, it will still work when you turn it back on later. SHHHHH Listen SHHHHH. Also in our quiet zone there is peace. A kind of peace that is unexplainable, indescribable. When all else is falling apart around me, This Zone, this quiet place of peace is where God tells me (and I hear Him) I am with you and I WILL not leave you alone through all this. Others may leave (people are human) but God says I WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU!!!! Sometimes He says it over and over and over again and again. That is very ironic cause in my profession I find myself repeating things a lot as well. Maybe it will sink in this time. Listen Carefully is another thing we teachers have said frequently. That can give the students the ability to know what they need to do, how to do so and a time frame. To Listen Carefully involves more parts of your body than just your ears. The ears are vital but so are your hands, feet, legs, back, head, eyes, arms and hiney. All of this can be summed up with one word--- posture. Sitting up straight in your chair, feet and legs together, hiney flat in the chair, back straight hands and arms together, folded in front of you eyes on the speaker, ears tuned, head moving tracking the speakers movement. Now we are in a good listening posture. If we are walking around while there is teaching going on there is a possibility to miss something. Listening Carefully posturing occurs during instructional time of course. Likewise with our God, we need to assume the position for Listening Carefully to Him. All of these things (and others) work together with eachother for a successful outcome in any given school day and they can do the same for us as we seek time with our God. Perhaps you know all this already and if so be refreshed. Cause The Holy Spirit has charged me with writing this blog and as an obedient child of THE KING, I accept. Maybe it is for me to taste and see as well, I accept. Could be for a hungry soul longing for a Word from on HIGH, receive what the Spirit is saying through this mouthpiece. What ever or whichever these God, uses the foolish things of this world to confound the things that are so called wise.1Corinthians1:27. I shall gladly be whatever He says I am and do whatever He says I can do. Philippians 4:13. When you are in Love, as I am, you gladly do whatever God says. As I FALL IN LOVE EVERYDAY, God shows me things that only He knows about me and how to deal with it all. IT IS A WONDER OF GOD the mystery that He reveals through His Word and time with HIM. So class lets review: SHHHH and listen Carefully The KING of The UNIVERSE is speaking to you, 1,2,3, all eyes on THE WORD of GOD, it will minister to you, Track the SPEAKER, THE CREATOR GOD ALMIGHTY IS MOVING, NO TALKING in The Quiet Zone, Listening only, turn off the Noise Shhhhhh and Listen. Assume the position for listening and Hearing from God. Isaiah40:28-31. God Loves you, I love you and Jesus is LORD! Genesis 1, Psalm104.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
You have probably heard of the seven wonders of the world, some being the Tajmahal, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon (what a place for a garden), the Pyramid of Giza, the Lighthouse of Alexandria, etc. All these maybe wonders to this world and they may be magnificent to a degree. But they have one thing in common that makes them not so much of a wonder, and that is that they are man-made objects. They can not compare to THE WONDERS OF OUR GOD. I would like to focus, for this posting, on THE WONDERS OF GOD that HIS hands and fingers and voice made, that we have and use each day of our lives, and perhaps hardly give a thought about. I am in LOVE, so I like to talk about my LOVE and brag on His greatness, the splendid excellence of HIS majesty and the GLORY that I bathe and drench myself in daily. I can't help myself, this LOVE overtakes me, and I talk of HIS powerful pull on me as if I am addicted. In a sense I reckon (a back in the day word) I am addicted to LOVE. THE WONDERS OF GOD are all around us and we use them without much thought or realizing how important they are to our survival. Consider the AIR. First of all what is it? I know that scientifically there is an explanation but don't the experts have answers for everything, and because we consider them tops in their areas of expertise, we take what they say as truth.(John17:17). Well, ponder awhile with me. Air, it is all around us, more than enough for every living person, place and thing to have plenty, with a supply that NEVER runs low or out. Who gave that kind of abundance of life- sustaining necessity to all of us? You need not qualify to recieve this AIR SUPPLY, there is no income level/limit needed, skin color has nothing to do with it, where you live and what you drive, or how you dress has no bearing on this supply, you simply have it as God's provision for life.GOD IS GOOD TO ALL OF US! I would venture to say that if man had created this air, he would find ways to charge for its usage. Whoa to the person who couldn't make that monthly payment. Consider the sky, clouds, sun, rainbows, moon, stars (Psalm8:3), water, dirt, trees, grass wind, rain, snow, seasons, the seeds inside the earth. I could also speak of THE WONDERS OF GOD that we visit and find them breathtaking, such as mountains, the oceans, all this and much more made only from the finger of GOD (Genesis 1:6-19), (Psalm 8:3-4nlt). GLORY TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST!! Water... What is it? Why is it so vitally important to life? 70% of the earth is made of water and over 60% of our body is made up of water (Psalm36:8). GLORY TO GOD! HAIL TO THE KING OF CREATION!! God made all this possible and indeed so before HE put us in the GARDEN. All these WONDERS God created, and they all listen to Him and obey His voice (Psalm 107:29). God in all His wisdom and knowledge about all things, answered Job and his friends with words that paint a word- picture of HIM and HIS greatness and majesty and attention to the details of creation, when He said " Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? Who determined its dimensions and stretched out the surveying line? What supports its foundation and who laid the cornerstone?"( ...Job 38). GOD and ONLY GOD can have all the Glory. HALLELUJAH!! My mind in all its limited capacity, looks at all this and I get to wondering about things that may or may not make sense or whatever but I wonder none the less. When I look at trees, long tall sky touching trees (seemingly),the nest that the birds choose to build there, or the tips of the trees,who would water that if the rain didn't. All gardeners know that plants and trees need water, even the tip top.Would you go into the forest or into the desert or anywhere they grow, and water the trees? I will be honest, I probably wouldn't. God provides for all His creation.(Psalm135:7) GLORY TO GOD!! Check out the ground and the grass. What on earth is that? Dirt. This stuff makes things grow. How did God do that? I bet they can't figure that out fully and make a t.v. program about it. Oh yeah I'm forgetting "the experts". This stuff can be reproduced and bought, and all the gardeners said YEAH!!! What about grass? Have you noticed grass grows is strange places. By strange I mean in concrete, between bricks, along sidewalks and such. That comes from seed already in the ground placed there by GOD (Genesis 1: 11-12). Look up. Have you thought about the SKY lately? Ponder this: it is EVERYWHERE. There is not a place on this planet where you cannot see the SKY. In fact with the exception of wind, there is all this creation to see EVERYWHERE, perhaps all at once or some here and some there, but seen nonetheless.The SKY in all this glorious color and display of clouds, sun, the moon, the stars at night, rainbows. WOW!! What must HEAVEN be like? This is a beautiful thing this SKY. Have you ever seen a sunset? What about the Dawning of the new day? Have you paid attention to the day- moon? Can you count the differring amount of colors the SKY shows? Blue is not all there is, look for the purples and the oranges and the various whites, just to mention a few.GLORY TO GOD ALMIGHTY!! The rainbows are AWESOME!!! Look for them through the Sun, dark sunglasses bring out this greatness powerfully. Prepare your neck muscles, because when you catch these sights, you will find yourself looking upward quite a bit. Shall I say your head will be in clouds. You will probably say what I find myself saying so often, GLORY TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST!!! HAIL TO THE KING OF THE UNIVERSE, OF CREATION, OF ALL THINGS!! LET ALL PRAISE ARISE TO THE CREATOR OF HEAVEN AND EARTH!!!. I can't help it, I am sooo in LOVE that I forget myself and get to praising GOD so much that I have to type and praise at the same time and I just can't type that fast. GLORY TO GOD!! Let the WIND blow on your face and through your soul, it will refresh your spirit. Allow the RAIN to wash the LOVE of GOD beyond your skin and into the HEART where HE is. Request the BRIGHT MORNING STAR to reside in you and as the SEASONS OF LIFE change, you will discover that you are NEVER ALONE (Hebrews13:5-6).God is LEADING if you allow it,(Deuteronomy 30:19), so do so. You won't go wrong with the CREATOR OF THE WORLD always with you.(Psalm 139:13-18). I love you, God loves you, and Jesus is Lord!! Be Blessed in This CREATION. Job 38, 39, Psalm 136:4-9
Monday, August 2, 2010
Men!!I absolutely love this created human species God Almighty made. When God created this creature, He placed inside him His Spirit connected to Him in His image, like Him. That is enough right there to fall in love with a man, because of what he's made of and by who, but there is more to this wonderful specimen. God implanted in man His characteristics such as creators, providers leaders, head of the family, strength, tender,mechanical, fierce, task - oriented, warriors,committment keepers,survivors, mighty men of God are a few descriptors that come to mind when I think about them.When I think of their physical characteristics, strong, handsome, muscular are those that jump out right away.God in all His wisdom and knowledge of all things, made this creation to fit perfectly with a woman: all parts fit together as if putting together a puzzle, and I think it is marvelous!! Let all the women shout AMEN!!! God has granted me the priviledge to write about THE MEN. I chose 4 of my favorites. I have many favorites, but these 4 are second to HIMSELF only. THE MEN...Moses, Joshua, David, Solomon. God spoke directly to each ONE of these MEN. He had a relationship with them where 2- way conversation took place. He gave each MAN directions as to what He wanted them to accomplish for Him. Directions about how to lead His people. Each MAN had a few things in common: They HAD FAITH IN THEIR FATHER, and THEY FELL IN LOVE EVERYDAY with God and were devoted to Him even while falling down. That is too awesome for words but I am going to try to word this. Help me Holy Spirit! Moses saw a bush burning but not being consumed and upon further inspection, he realized God was calling him onto the Holy ground and into service (Exodus 3:1-17). He was called to deliver the people of Israel out of slavery in Egypt and into freedom (Exodus 12:31-33). His obedience to God caused favor to be on him because he was a wanted murderer in Egypt, but God said go. Moses is referred to as a MAN God knew face to face(Deuteronomy34:10), but even at that there was a severe consequence for him due to his disobedience to God when he struck the rock after God specifically told him to speak to the rock for the water to be released. As a result Moses wasn't allowed to take this great people into the promised land (Numbers 20:1-13) (Deuteronomy 32:48-52) . He lead them out triumphantly, but his anger and frustration at God's stubborn, stiffneck people in the wilderness caused him to miss out on the land of milk and honey. He was 120 years old when he died strong as ever (Deuteronomy 34:7). Right here I will speculate that he went to a far greater place and heard the wonderful words "well done my good and faithful servant". Joshua is by far my MAN. He was called by God upon the death of Moses, his hero, to lead this people across the Jordan and into the promised land. No less than 3 times did God command Joshua to be strong and courageous. He knew that it would take the strength and courage of a warrior to accomplish what needed to be done in this new land. I think about the strength and bravery of the mighty MEN (and women) fighting this battle on foreign soil around this world to keep and maintain the peace. God told Joshua what would be necessary to be successful: study this Book Of Instruction and Meditate on it day and night (Joshua 1:1-9). Keeping God's Word in our eyes and in our Heart will guarantee success and longevity for all who will believe by faith. So he did as God told him to do and carrying the ARK before them, they crossed the Jordan and into their future. Joshua had much success becaused he fixed his heart and mind to follow God's directions.Jericho's march caused them to utterly destroy an entire nation without breaking much of a sweat (Joshua 6). As well there was disobedience in the camp and it brought a consequence onto the people of Israel, although it was not Joshua who disobeyed God. This sin caused a broken covenant with God that was soon renewed when the sin was revealed and who caused it (Joshua 7:11-12,24-26). Joshua settled the issue and fixed his heart when he stated " for me and my house, we will serve the LORD" (Joshua 24:15). Let all the 21st century heads of households say AMEN!!! Joshua was 110 years old @death (Joshua 24:29). David excites me beyond all reason. He was the youngest of Jesse's son and the shepherd of the bunch. Watching his father's sheep out in the wilderness, what else could he do but sing love songs to God. So he did. Many of the Psalms were written while out in the wilderness tending the sheep, fighting off the bear and the lion. Protector. The Bible describes him as handsome , dark (tanned perhaps) with beautiful eyes (1Samuel 16:11-13 nlt). He was anointed King as a boy, but his love and reverential fear and devotion to God was developed in the wilderness, under the stars tending sheep, FALLING IN LOVE EVERYDAY, playing that harp, singing LOVE to God, talking bout the LORD is my shepherd (Psalm23), taking delight and meditating day and night (Psalm1), extoling the Heavens and the works of God's fingers creating all things, the moon, the stars, and such (Psalm8:3), just to highlight a few. Sounds like he had intimacy with God as a youth and God responded to him sending Samuel to find him, anoint him. Read some or all of the Psalms David wrote and you can tell he wanted it known God was all and all.GLORY!!! He had wisdom to kill Goliath (1Samuel 17: 45-51), not strength this time. He became King of all Israel @ the age of 30 ruling 40 years.(2Samuel 5:1-5). His disobedience and sin had severe consequences as well with the death of his child he concieved with Bathsheba, Uriah's wife(2Samuel 11:1-27) and his own household rebeling against him (2Samuel 12: 1-23). He confessed his sin and repented revealing a repentant heart in Psalm 51. God is so forgiving and merciful, and He stayed the angels hand and kept Jerusalem from being utterly destroyed after David committed a later sin, which he repented of and God's mercy endured, sparing this nation yet again (2Samuel 24:10-16). He was a great King and he died and was buried in the city of David, named for him to this day. He wasn't perfect, by far, but devoted to God he was. Solomon was his son by Bathsheba and he became the next king. He was honest in that he declared himself to be but a child , chosen to lead this nation and that he needed wisdom and guidance to do so. He asked God for this wisdom to lead and knowledge of right and wrong. God heard this prayer and answered him granting him his request and God added wealth and riches to him (1Kings 3:3-15). He was selected to build the TEMPLE 480 years after this nation left slavery in Egypt (1Kings 6:1). Constructed with the finest of materials , it was a glorious place and after the ARK was brought in it was dedicated and all PRAISED God in this Holy place. HALLELUJAH!!! God was well pleased and set it apart, vowing to watch over it and dwell in it. He promised Solomon one of his descendants would always sit on the throne (1Kings 9:1-7). God instructed Solomon on what to do if the Heavens were shut up with no rain falling,or a FAMINE CAME UPON THE LAND or plagues were among the people (2Chronicles 7:12-18). Disobedience could bring these consequences (Deuteronomy 28: 15-68). His mercy lasts forever. These MEN demonstrated through obedience and devotion to God the call and assignment God gave them THE POWER OF ONE. Their Love and committment to God carried them through a long satisfied life and reign (Psalm 91:16) as leaders, warriors, kings, mighty men of God. Allow your love and devotion for God AlMighty to shine!! THE MEN!! THE MEN!!!(I had to say it twice). What an awesome creation!!! Thank you God!! You have blessed us to be able to share the planet with them. I love you, God loves you and Jesus is LORD!! ! Proverbs 2.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Do you remember the first time you fell in LOVE? It may have been a while ago or the other day, remember? Remember the feelings and the emotions that came with it. How you thought about the person all the time. Wanted to see them all the time, be with them night and day. Couldn't eat or sleep until they were there or you heard their voice again. Remember? You always wanted to talk to them on the phone (mainly breathing not much talking). You thought they were the most beautiful/handsome person you ever saw. You would demonstrate your love by doing things such as holding hands,opening doors(gentlemen), sitting close, k-i-s-s-i-n-g, carrying books, sharing lockers, passing notes, (students), doing things together such as homework, going to sporting events, recreational stuff, picnics, love- ins (my favorite). Remember? Doing nice things that say "I love you" for eachother. Remember? I can remember my former spouse doing laundry for me at a particular time when I wasn't up to it and I thought that was so special. This was in the 1980's a much different time than now. How about the times you enjoyed your favorite movie, or song(s), or even singer(s). I remember one of our favorite songs back in the day was FIRE AND DESIRE by the late great Rick James and Teena Marie. Remember that one ? It would 'send' me. Also songs called REUNITED, ALL OUT OF LOVE (Air Supply), LOST IN LOVE. Singers that brought the house down were artist like The Ojays, The Bee Gees, L.T.D., The Spinners, Earth Wind and Fire, Billy Ocean. Remember? How bout the movies, I love First Knight. Endless Love . Just to name a few. All these bring back memories of falling in LOVE for the first time. I have been praying about LOVE and the Glorious Holy Spirit dropped in my heart that we should fall in LOVE everyday!! With a LOVE like the LOVER that LOVES us why not? He is so GOOD to us as Psalm 107:1-2 states His mercy endureth forever and we have been redeemed or bought us with a price that no other could pay. That sounds a lot like He LOVES us and is GOOD to us. Verses 31-33 says that "Oh that men would praise The LORD for HIS goodness, exalt HIM in the congregations of people', HE turns dry places into watersprings and is ours, from the LOVER HIMSELF. His presence is always with us no matter where we are , how we got there, whatever. (Psalm 139 :7-13) Fix your heart on the ONE who does GOOD things for us (Psalm 107: 20-21,41),(Psalm 91:11,4:7, 16: 11). That is what the ONE who LOVES you does for you. Your first emotional LOVE from back then did nice things for you, and so we now have a LOVER that is forever and eternal and we can expect GOOD things from HIM more so. When we cry out to HIM, call to HIM, HE hears us (Psalm 107: 13-14, 26-30, 91:15). Try it!! Call to HIM in your distress or any area: sickness,desperation, whatever it may be call to HIM in FAITH and watch HIM perform HIS WORD!! HE'S in LOVE with us and nothing can stop that or cause it to be uprooted. It is firm as a foundation that can not be destroyed. (Psalm 107: 43,) (Romans 8:35-39), (1John 4:8-11). The LOVE BOOK says that Christ may dwell in our hearts by FAITH and that we being rooted and grounded in LOVE, may be able to comprehend how wide, long, deep, and high, HIS LOVE is towards us. (Ephesians2:16-19). Hallelujah!!! This is so much more profound than any first LOVE. It takes my breath away when I think about this AWESOME LOVE all for me !!! BLESSED BE THE NAME OF GOD!! UNTO HIM BE ALL THE GLORY!!! I can feel my praise coming on and it is uncontainable. When I think about the LOVE GOD has for me and the things HE has done for me, I can't help it I shout GLORY, GLORY,!!!!! He satisfies me with such good things in HIM,(Psalm 107:9, 91: 16). It feels like Easter everyday in my heart. Shouting Praises to My LORD!! GLORY TO GOD!!! Fall in LOVE everyday. It's wonderful!! He said to LOVE as I have LOVED you (John 13:34) and HE has LOVED me tremendously. Let me suggest to you my FAITHFUL friend, FALL IN LOVE EVERYDAY. You will experience OVERFLOW JOY. That is JESUS JOY that is amped up at all times. Try it!!! BE BLESSED OF GOD!!! I LOVE YOU, GOD LOVES YOU and HE IS LORD!!! Ephesians 2 (4-13)...
Friday, June 18, 2010
The men Jesus called to follow Him were such a diverse group of individuals each with their strengths and weaknesses and such. Jesus simply said to each "follow Me" and they left whatever they were doing at that moment and followed Him. Their Destiny began the amazing journey that would forever mark a New Testement into what Life is really all for. Somehow these men knew that when Jesus (whom they didn't know about yet) called for them to "follow Him" without thought, question(where we going? comes to mind here) or hesitation they responded. Right here I am sensing in my spirit - man that The Holy Spirit had to have pricked their hearts, causing them to act, although this 3rd member of The Trinity had not yet come. Glory to God!! So they each decided to leave and go where no man has gone before. Walking along side God Himself in the form of man among us( Matthew 1:23).Glory!! How else could they know? Extraordinary---for lack.... But for this posting, I am called to write about one Disciple in particular and that is John. The son of Zebedee (Matthew 4:21), brother to James (not Jesus' brother by mother Mary.)and the Disciple Jesus Loved. That is were ministry is and I shall endeavor to take this message The Spirit of The Lord put inside my heart and write about it. The Disciple Jesus loved? Of course He loved them all, but this Disciple is repeatedly referred to as The ONE Jesus loved. Jesus himself said so when up on the cross He gave His precious mother to this Disciple (John 19:26-27nlt). As I studied John, I have discovered some things about him that stand out and display his love and devotion to the Savior. John and his brother James asked Jesus for the priviledge to sit with Him at his right and left hand in Glory (Mark 10:35-40). This sounds like they were saying wherever you are Jesus we want to be there as well, even in this place of Glory You speak of. Hallelujah!! I believe that when Jesus prayed His High Priestly prayer (John 17) shortly before the betrayal,perhaps in the Garden of Gesemane(?) John was the Disciple who heard it word for word and that each Disciple couldn't keep their eyes open, but John couldn't close his. He couldn't take his eyes off of Jesus at any time, the love he had for Jesus was all too powerful and consuming. The prayer starts out by saying " After saying these things, Jesus lifted up His eyes to Heaven and said"....(John 17:1 kjv). This statement is so telling, because John would have to have his eyes on Jesus' eyes to know that He lifted them up to Heaven. The others couldn't keep theirs open but again John couldn't close his. Glory!!! Love does strange things at times. He heard this Prayer that The Savior of the world prayed for us at a time when He knew what was to come momentarily. Right here I can say that My Lord and Savior had me and you on His mind when He prayed this powerful prayer. He interceded to The FATHER for us as his betrayal was soon approaching. He prayed for us!! Not Himself, us!! Glory to God in the Highest Heaven!! Glory to our God !!! What a Lover this Is !! Read and meditate the prayer and ask God to open your spiritual eyes and allow you to see the Love oozing from such an act of GRACE. John was a witness and his cup overflowed. I can say that it is overwhelming, this Love God has for us, imagine the disciples walking with LOVE in the FLESH. John was overcome so much so that he laid on Jesus' bosom at The Passover Supper.(John 13:23,25 kjv). Not content with a close encounter, he wanted total body touching as he asked who the betrayer would be. Just imagine yourself laying on Jesus chest, not wanting to move ever again. Hallelujah!! John had this experience. How awesome could this have been for Him? When the Disciples were again fishing after Jesus' resurrection it was the Disciple Jesus loved who recognized Him when He said to them to throw their nets on the right hand side of the boat (John 21:7). Jesus indicated that the Disciple He loved would live longer than the others ( John 21:20-23) . Perhaps that is why John is the Disciple that writes a good bit of the book of Revelation. He out ran Peter when Mary Magdalene found the tomb empty and she thought that they had stolen the body of Jesus, she came and told them and John's heart propelled him to reach the scene first.(John 20:1-10). He didn't go in first although he outran Peter and reached the tomb first. Speculation right here tells me that he was overwhelmed or protocol dictated that the lead Disciple go first. Or he needed to catch his breath and perhaps prepare his heart for what was to come next. He was in love afterall. What ever or whichever these this is speculation and the Bible doesn't say. God chose John to write Revelation and speak to the 7 churches directly from Jesus (THE FAITHFUL WITNESS) by way of an angel He sent to John.( Revelation1:4-5). He was allowed to see the New Heaven and The New Earth, The Holy City, New Jerusalem coming down from God out of Heaven, a beautiful Bride ready for her Husband ( Revelation 21:1-2). GLORY TO GOD!! Holy! Holy! Holy!! I can't say any thing but Holy! John. What a testement to the Love of God. Jesus saw something in John that caused him to respond to him differently than the others. He loved each one, Peter was the rock He would build the Church upon (Matthew 16:17-19). He spoke blessings over each ONE. But ONE stood out and above the rest and as a result, he revealed the Plan Jesus spoke to Him about in Revelation. I choose to believe it is a heart issue. Jesus looks upon the heart and what He saw in John's heart cause Him to move in Him powerfully, Glory! Remember my friend, God looks upon the HEART of man and sees much. What does your Heart speak? It is talking to THE CREATOR that created it whether you know it or not. Be Blessed of God !! I love you, Jesus loves you and He is Lord!! John21:24-25.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Most of the time I have found it an easy thing to walk in the Spirit. Here lately with all the situations, circumstances, events,occurrances, and such, that have come up in my everyday life, I found it necessary to do a check. I lovingly refer to it as a fruit - bowl check. To see if all the fruit are there bearing witness that I am a reborn spirit. Not that I am questioning the FACTS but as I said recent events have made me suspicious. I will admit that I have said more 4 - letter words in the month of May than I have in quite some time.( I know what you are probably thinking, )but I am honest if nothing else. The words "I'm sorry Lord", or "Forgiver me God", became a part of my daily vocabulary,much more than normal. So as I type I stand before you reader, a perpetual repentant spirit ever seeking to walk in the Spirit. So I went to The Love Letter and into the Fruit of The Spirit chapter in Galatians 5:22-23kjv (although 24-26 I will also check). Love, joy, peace longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: the Bible says these are the evidence that your spirit man has been reborn, and there is no law to govern these. I am so much like Paul in the Bible that it is amazing.When he talks about sin in Romans 7, I can certainly relate to verses 14 - 25nlt. Sounds like the sinful nature comes out at times, and inspite of WANTING to walk in the Spirit at all times, there will be those times when I will stumble, what about you? Thank God for His amazing GRACE and the new MERCY He gives everyday, cause I for one KNOW I have used up yesterday's mercy, probably before noon. The Fruit Of The Spirit is what I want to focus on , particularily the first 3: love, joy, peace. The Bible talks about Love's attributes and in 1 Corinthians 13(the love book) it states that love is patient(one of the fruit) and kind and how we are commanded to love others especially the ones I refer to as unloveable. You may know the type, they are also refered to as enemies, we have to love them as well. I can feel the 4 - letter words come to mind when I think of mine.(Help me Holy Spirit). I am a work in progress. But we are to love them as well. I will need help with this one, but it is do - able. God is Faithful. Love is easy when it is returned and given to those who love us, but it becomes an olympic size challenge when given to an enemy. I have discovered that I have to step outside myself to accomplish this. I would like to claim responsibility for that statement, but I heard my daughter say it when she was asked to do something she thought was unpleasant, but necessary. I give it to God and then allow Him to walk me through the mine-field step by step, and it works, Glory!!! Joy is my favorite fruit because it can be so deep. By that, I mean, for me through all that occurs, Nehemiah 8: 10 is still true: ....the joy of the Lord is my strength. I need strength every day and it comes as I spend time in praise and worship (Psalm 35:27) (Philemon 1:20kjv). The Love Book says I can obtain gladness and Joy and sorrow and sighing(frustration) shall flee away ( Isaiah 35:10kjv). That sounds wonderful to me and I shall stand on this WORD. Joy must be a powerful fruit cause Jesus, my Lord and Savior, endured the cross,because of the Joy that was set before Him.(Hebrews 12: 2). GLORY TO GOD!!! He knew what was awaiting Him on the other side, Praise God!! Peace is a fruit that we shouldn't want to live without. Peace in relation to this war torn world we reside in yes, but it can and is deeper, more firmly established than that. The Bible says that The Lord will fight for us (those who claim Christ as Savior) we can hold our peace( Exodus 14:14). I have recently experienced this myself having gone into a battle that God fought for me and WON, Praises!!!! I stand in awe of my Heavenly Father and His Fierceness on this girls behalf. He is my JEHOVAH NISSI and SABAOTH my victory and my deliverer, PRAISE GOD IN THE HIGHEST!!!! Jesus said in John 14: 27nlt that He is leaving us a Gift and it is His peace, much different than the world's peace (thank God) it is peace of mind and peace in heart. When all else around is in turmoil, Jesus peace rules in your heart if you accept Him. Glory!! He said we can have peace IN HIM( John16: 33nlt) while here on earth there will be many trials and sorrows. I know about that. Thank you Jesus for Peace, Your Peace. The Bible talks about our feet being shod with the preperation of the gospel of peace (Ephesians6 ;15kjv). Sounds abit like walking in peace at all cost. Paul talked about preaching peace to those who were near and far away, perhaps believers and unbelievers (Ephesians2:17kjv). I love the Peace of God that passeth all understanding Paul talked about in Philippians 4:7kjv.It shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Isn't that Good News? I am typing and rejoicing in my heart for this amazing gift of Peace that keeps me. I have experienced this as well and more so in light of recent occurances in my life. I would have lost it if it had not been for God and His MERCY for His girl.(Luke 7:50, Luke 8:48kjv). I can say that as I walk this walk down here,God 's promise to never leave me alone is solid ground for me. He has shown time and again even in all the fall down,stumbling around I do daily, He has shown me that He still loves me and forgives me each and every time, I ask. He is not mad at me or holding a grudge against me. What kind of Love is that? I love that each time Jesus greeted the discilpes after his Passion, He said to them "Peace Be unto You", John 20: 19, 21, 26. He had that purpose in mind for them and for us as we live for Him. Love, Joy, Peace all seem to intermingle with each other and are each needed to support or substantiate the others. Glory to God!! The rest of Galatians 5:24-26 we can't leave that out.Since I belong to Christ I must nail the sinful desires to the cross and trust God to help me when I miss it or fall down. I do rely on God for that cause I am dirt - bound daily. Falling happens. I shall get back up again and again. It is imposssible with out Christ at the helm, but He is in charge , so all things are possible with Him. So I shall close saying walk in the Love of God my friend, Allow the Joy of the Lord to strengthen you, and Peace unto you. I love you! God loves you!!! Job 42.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
From The Top Of Your Head, To The Bottom Of Your Feet, BE HEALED IN THE NAME OF JESUS!!!!
Let me put this Good News on Blast!!!!(1Chronicles 16:24 nlt). I just have to put this out there for any an whosoever will recieve this Glorious News that The HEALER- JEHOVAH RAPHA is in the HOUSE and He is available and ready to heal you!! As a born again believer, you have the right to be healed in all areas of your life that are experiencing brokeness of some type. It may or may not be physical. Healing can come for a physical,spiritual, mental, lands or nations situation. Whatever the need. Anywhere there is a disconnect from the Healing, Power Source, there needs to be a Healing. You may need to be healed in your body from some sickness or disease, so in the Name of Jesus, Be Healed.(1Peter2:24) He took on this scurge of sickness when He went to the cross and so as believers we have a right to believe God (Matthew8:17) to be healed. Glory to God!!! God said all through the Bible that He Is the LORD Thy God that Healeth thee(Exodus15:26). These are powerful words from THE CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE to the created people He Loves(Romans 8:38-39) , Thank You Father!!! HAVE FAITH IN YOUR FATHER THAT HE HEARS YOU WHEN YOU CALL TO HIM AND WILL ANSWER YOU (Jeremiah33:3kjv). Put the Word of God on your tongue and speak forth your healing. The Bible says that Life and Death are in the power of the tongue (Proverbs18:21kjv) so get to speaking life and healing out of your mouth. The Good News Book says that He sent His Word and Healed them (Psalm107:20nlt) snatching them from the door of death. Glory to God in the Highest!!! Snatching!!! Think about that. I am reminded about the centurian who came to Jesus and asked Jesus to just SPEAK the Word and his servant would be healed! (Luke7:1-10nlt). His Faith in Jesus and The Power of His Word for Healing, sent in the air, would get the job done. AIRBORNE WORD!! Glory!! We have that same kind of power (Mark16:18) with our Faith - filled words and actions. We can trust and believe God to heal our land as well. 2Chronicles 7:14 states what we as a people can do to get God to Heal our land. We are a land in need of God's healing touch and so as we pray to God, turn from wickedness, humble ourselves, diligently seek God's face, The Good News Book says that He would Hear from Heaven and Heal our land. Thank God for that !!! Our land is in need of God's miracle working healing power. With all of God's good promises to us as our Healer His promise to restore health unto thee ...(Jeremiah30:17nlt),to renew my youth like the eagles wings(Psalm103:1 -5kjv). I like that promise a lot for some reason, perhaps because I am not in my 20"s anymore. Whatever. The Word itself is a healing Word. The Love Letter says that this WORD is life to those that find them and HEALTH to all their flesh(Proverbs4:22kjv). Get Healthy!!! Start Reading and KEEP reading God's Word. It will bring the Healing Power of God into you, along with life abundantly. With these precious promises from this Glorious Book, Having Faith in our Father that He is a God who cannot lie, so what HE says, HE means it!! Trust in the Lord with all your Heart and lean not to your own understanding (Proverbs3:5-6 kjv), because the mind wants to have a solution that has been worked and re- worked and proven on paper or makes sense to it , but God doesn't work like that. The Bible says that God has chosen the foolish things in this world to confound(shame) the wise and God has chosen the weak things of this world to confound the things which are mighty(1Corinthians1:27-31kjv).Glory to God!!! Recieve what the Father says is yours and that is to be healed, mind, body ,and spirit.(3John2kjv). So FROM THE TOP OF YOUR HEAD TO THE BOTTOM OF YOUR FEET, BE HEALED N THE NAME OF JESUS!!!! Give GOD the PRAISE!! He's WORTHY!! I Love you! Ephesians 3: 14-21. Be Blessed and healed of The LORD!!
Sunday, May 2, 2010
From The Top Of The Stars To The Bottom Of The Deep Blue Sea The Name Of The Lord Is To Be Praised!!!!
From the top of the stars to the bottom of the deep blue sea the Name of The LORD is to be praised!!! Praised!! I looked that word up in the Webster and it's definition is: an expression of admiration or approval of:; to honor or to glorify, as of a god (little g). Commendable. These are adaquate definitions if we are talking about something natural, something that is seen, something we can touch physically, or we can feel it with our senses. But this definition doesn't come close enough to what the Bible says of Praising our God. I would rather blog about the Bible's say of Praising God. It gives us an idea of what praise and worship is, sounds like and from where it comes from and who and what should be praising God. The what part of that comes from what Jesus said during His Triumphal entry into Jerusalem to the shouts and praises of many people and the pharisees among the crowd wanted Jesus to rebuke the shouts of praise and He said if He did that the very stones would shout and burst into cheers (Luke19 :36-40). Stones! Thats the same as bricks and mortar isn't it? This is and inanimate object, that Jesus said would shout praises. I will not be out done with my praise by a brick. I will open my mouth and praise God!!! The Scriptures say Let everything breathing praise the name of the Lord(Psalm150).There are times when I don't "feel" like praising God. It could be a good reason: family pressures, finances,materialistic issues,people stresses, whatever it is I just don't "feel" like it. Has that ever happen to you at times? Probably not, cause I feel sometimes I am the only one dealing with something. Everybody seems to have it all together. Well not me. I fall down daily and so I depend on this relationship with God to restore me and keep me sane. So even when I dont feel like praising God ,I praise God more during this time cause the enemy is seeking a moment of weakness when he can pounce. So moving my "feelings" aside (1Thessalonians 5:19) I praise God with my whole heart (Psalm 9: 1-2). Praise and Worship is after all a heart issue, so I let my heart speak to God. The Bible says out of the abundance of the Heart, the mouth speaks. King David said it well when he said "I will call on the Name of the LORD,who is Worthy to be Praised(2 Samuel 22:4, Psalm18:3). Praising God allows the fruit of the Spirit - Joy to manifest itself freely. With that fruit comes strength. So if I understand this correctly, praising God with my whole heart, brings out JOY (from the fruit bowl, Galatians 5:22) which also strengthens me. WOW!!!! I am about to get to Praising God! (Psalm 47:6-7) I'll try to finish this blog first after all it is Holy Spirit inspired and I want to be obedient. Why not live a life of Praise and Worship to God. Daily, hourly, minutely (that may not be a word) at all times have that praise to The Father ready for His ears. He sees into your heart and knows you. Praise Him!!! There are always reasons to Praise God: He healed me, He hears me when I call to Him, He strengthens me, loves me, protects me in the secret place, forgives me, has unlimited, new mercy everyday, provides for me, keeps me sane, (I should have lost it by now) gave me a Redeemer that grants me total entry into the THRONE ROOM, just to name a few reasons. But for me it is a LOVE issue. It would take me forever to tell you my story, so I wont. But I will say that when I was a young child God watched over me and He still is. He has shown steadfast love and committment to me from way back. I believe He is IN LOVE with ME! Yes you heard me. ME!!!! I can't say that about anyone else but God! Others love me, yes but God is In LOVE with this girl. Why else would He call me His Beloved, His Masterpiece? Oh yeah He said that about you as well. He's in LOVE with you as well!!! My heart is fixed (Psalm 57:7,9) and in the sun I will praise God! In the darkness I will praise God! On top of the mountain I will praise God!! Down in the valley I will praise God! When I am hurting in my heart and body I will praise God! Come what may! I will praise God. I have to He has done such Great things for me, what about you? (Psalm 67:3). All creation declare the wondrous works of THE KING, the trees stand at constant attention to God,, the birds sing non - stop to their creator, mountains bow at the mention of His Name, the sky reveals pictures God paints, the ground sprouts seeds planted by His Hand, and His only, air twist and turns as he puts his feet up, and the waters splish and splash as He walks across them, yet, obeys when He says, BE STILL. Glory to God!!!! I will enter His gates prasing Him and worshipping, thanking God for never leaving me alone. (Psalm 100). My friend, start to praise God at all times, continually (Psalm34:1) and watch the Mighty things that come from such an act of worship to our God. So, from the top of the stars, to the bottom of the deep blue sea, the Name Of The LORD is to be PRAISED!!!! I love you, God loves you, and Jesus is LORD!!!! Psalm 136.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Have Faith In Your FATHER
Sometimes all of your resources and attempts at fixing things are useless. When this happens in my life I tend to believe that God is saying to me "You need to have faith in your FATHER. You are not going to make a dent in this problem area with out strong, unshakeable Faith in ME." Well, those are truth filled words if I ever heard any. Some things that occur can only be solved by Faith. So what is Faith? Well the Holy Word says that Faith is the substance of things hoped for without seeing any evidence(Hebrews 11:1). So as I amass this Blessed Hope in God,my Faith will come and grow. How do I get Faith? The Living Word says that Faith comes by Hearing, and hearing God's Word. Without hearing God's Word it sounds like Faith won't and can't come. I shall see to it that I always hear God's Word. Otherwise. As I research Faith in the Love Book, I found a bunch of Good News about Faith and I discovered why we will need to have Faith in our FATHER. Permit me to share some of this Good News I have learned. It has already begun to work for me in the difficult areas in my life. I have stated what Faith is and how we get it. Let me share some of what it has done for us. Because of our Faith, we have: 1. Peace with God, 2.Access into His Grace, enabling us to rejoice in The Glorious Hope (Romans5:1-2), 3.Been made right with God(Galatians 3:24-26). All this by Faith in Jesus Christ. The Bible says that through ONE man's Faith (Abraham), God counted him righteous and he became known as the father of Faith and through him all nations shall be blessed.(Romans4:3),(Galatians3:6-9).Abraham's Faith in God was Awesome (for lack...) because he gave us a view of what unshakeable Faith looks like as he obeyed God concerning Isaac, just as one example. He was ONE of many who used their unshakeable Faith to receive what God had for them. The Bible says it is impossible to please God without Faith(Hebrews11:6),so these Faith - filled believers knew something. Those healed in their bodies because of their Faith: the woman with the issue of blood risked being stoned to death to get to Jesus to receive her healing(Mark5:25-34). She pressed through the crowd to get to Him. If the crowd was a Faith -filled crowd, every sin, sickness, and disease would have been eradicated in one shot with the Healer and the Deliverer walking right amongst them. The Roman Centurian is my favorite Faith- filled person in the Scriptures. Here is someone who has such Faith that he simply ask Jesus to speak the Word and his servant will be healed. Glory to God!!! Just put the Word in the air Jesus and it will heal him.(that is my interpretation). I want that Kind of Faith. I am going to use my Faith right here and say: In the Name that is above everything with a name Be HEALED and made Whole in Jesus Name!! Glory to God!!! If you reader need a healing, that Word is for you so receive what The Father says is yours in His Name. Moving along,I could continue with the paralyzed man and his 4 friends (Mark2:1-5),Jairus the leader of the synagog (Mark5:21-43),Blind Bartimaeous(Mark10:46-52), Naaman's servant girl who had Faith for Naaman's healing(he didn't,she interceded for him) (2Kings 5:1-14),the demon posessed boy (Mark9:17-24).All these people were Faith -filled people although in those times they may not have known what to call it.They believed Jesus was the Son of God and that He had the Power to Heal them,deliver them and set them free. The Bible says that every man has been dealt a measure of Faith and if we have Faith the size of a mustard seed we can speak to the mountain and it would have to move. That statement alone takes Faith, but I have it, do you? Since we have been made right with God and are justified the Bible says the just shall live by his Faith(Romans1:17). I could go on and on but I will only say that we can have Faith for success in life(Philippians4:13), Faith to have our needs met(Philippians4:19),Faith in the Scriptures(Proverbs2:6),(Psalm119:105). My strength alone is not enough and it will take mountain - moving, unshakeable Faith. Faith comes from hearing God's Word so that is how I will continually get Faith(Romans10:17).I will live to please God by using my Faith in everything I am believing Him to do in my life. My supply is coming through Faith that God will meet the need . I am healed because of Faith in the Name that has such Power that everything else with a name has to bow it's knee to it. Glory to God!!!(Philippians 2:9-11).So I will close as I have titled this posting, Have FAITH in your FATHER. Blessed is the Name of our God in all the earth!! Psalm 134. I love you!!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
The Power Of ONE
As I read the Living Word and allow it to minister and speak Life to me I can see a bit of God's plan and what He started doing in the ancient days and on up to this time and for all eternity. I will talk about the ancient days and this time. Eternity will surely speak for itself, don't you think? He is so magnificent ( for lack of a more descriptive word) in the use of those He chose. I see all through the Scriptures, The Father's desire for His people and the people He chose to lead, speak to, warn, and minister to the nations that He allowed to emerge from the 12 tribes and others. I can stop right here and say Thank You God, for the "others" cause not being Jewish, He still had a plan that included me and I am grateful, What about you? Moving on, He used ONE person all along from the Creation throughout all times and ages. These people were not highly educated (except Paul),they didn't possess any special abilities He did not give, (except Samson) nor were the qualified for this huge calling God called them into, (not by today's standards anyway) and yet The Creator of the universe called them up and out and into a place in which they could be used to save a nation, speak to a nation, lead a nation, or minister God's Word to a nation of people. God even used animals such as a donkey(Numbers 22: 22-36) and a great fish (Jonah 1:17). The people He used started with Adam and then after a bit of time, father Abraham, in whom all families of the earth shall be blessed(Romans 4:16-18). Moses led the children of Israel out of bondage in Egypt and one of my many favorites, Joseph. Remember him? His brothers sold him into slavery because of their jealousy, although they each had the Blessing on them as well, they just didn't walk in theirs and Joseph did. Let us not forget Joshua, Ester, Deborah, Ruth, Mary Magdala, the women who ministered to Jesus out of their substance, (girl power), Jonah, King David, the many prophets, Paul and the most Powerful ONE of all these Jesus. These are a few examples of God's willingness to use ONE person to accomplish what He wants accomplished whether or not they are qualified, classified, certified, educated enough or just plain fit. You know I am probably leading up to John the Baptist. Some called him a mad/wildman baptizing people in the Jordan. Whatever, God called him and he did what the Creator told him to do - Prepare the way. All these and others were vital to God in their obedience to Him. Jonah tried to escape the calling and he became temporary fish food. Only our loving God could make that a temporary situation. Elijah became discouraged and depressed, afraid and God used wind, earthquake and fire to minister to Elijah, signaling His still small voice He uses (1Kings 19:9 -13). It must be a heavy thing when called to minister God's Word to a nation of hard hearted people. Moses called them stiffneck. Wonder what our description would be for today? Ponder, ponder. The Bible has a lot of interesting things to say about ONE. The Scripture that stands out the most right now is the one found in Ecclesiastes 4:9 -12, where it talks about two is better than one and it list all the reasons why. Personally speaking God, I am so glad that although I am ONE at this stage I am NEVER alone. When I fall down (which by the way is daily),I can rest in the Savior of the Universe to save me from perishing, Thank you Jesus!!! It can be disheartening if you are ONE and without Christ as your Head. Don't go on like that if this is you reader, He is there for you simply by asking Him into your heart, believing Him and receiving Him. He loves us so much that the plan of salvation is so easy, anyone with a heart beat can have it, it is a free gift and a free choice(Deuteronomy 30: 19 -20). When God called Paul to bring this message to the Gentile nation of people and kings, Paul was a persecutor of Christ. His main goal in life was to bring as many of Jesus' followers to death as he could and he carried the approval of the religious leaders with him. But on the way to Damacus ,Jesus called for him and his plans became null and void and a new day and a new plan emerged (Acts9). Thank God!!! But the ONE that makes all this clear is God. He stepped down from Heaven as The Savior when the ONE He used this time and for all time was Himself. He called on Himself to come into this place and be the Sacrifice for the nations, tribes, and tongues of people who will freely choose Him. The other ONES were to deliver the message, but God Himself is The Message they were to Deliver. The Power of ONE is truely a Powerful Power. (no this is not a tongue twister). When these Scriptures minister to me in this way I am thankful to be ONE. I am not discouraged cause the Mighty Word talks to me when this world speaks opposite. I am thankful that although I live here I don't and can't conform to the worlds pattern. It is a pattern that is moving the Creator of it out of everything and we wonder why we are having earthquakes, tsunamis, Hurricanes, and all these deadly weather occurances. The Creation itself is groaning under the weight of a world that is pushing it's Maker out.(Romans 8:20 -23). But we have Hope and it is a everlasting Hope. Let the Word minister to you God's Hope for us. He planned it from the beginning. Glory to God!!! (Revelation 22). I love you, God loves you and Jesus is Lord!!!
Friday, March 5, 2010
Heart Condition
I am not much into gardening but I know a lot about about it. At one time back in the day I had a house full of plants and I attempted to have a flower garden once upon a time. You don't want to know the outcome, it isn't a pleasant story to tell. I am saying all this to mainly talk about the ground. In Mark Chapter 4, Jesus is teaching at the beach and the crowd is enormous. It is always crowded at the beach isn't it? Well anyway He uses what the Bible calls parables to teach, as His teachings are for those with ears to hear what The Spirit is saying to the believer. But all are welcome to hear and receive from the Savior. So anyway He starts to teach on the sower and the seed that is sown into the ground and then He discusses the various conditions of the ground. The ground being synonomous with a persons heart and the condition of our heart. As you read this chapter and hear what the Teacher is saying, you can see that all hear God's Word. Believer and perhaps unbeliever both hear The Word. What happens next is interesting because it all depends on the condition of the ground that determines the results of the sown seed. The 4 types of ground that The Teacher is talking about are these: The footpath, shallow ground, rocky or thorny ground, and finally fertile or good soil. If you examine each ground and look at the results it will help you know what condition your heart is in. We all fall into one of these conditions, whether you are a believer or not. The foot path soil seed got eaten up by the birds. Gone. Shallow ground didn't have much protection so the sun scorched the precious seed and as a result the quicky sprouting plant wilted and died out. Gone. Thorny, rocky ground choked out the plant, it didn't have a chance to produce any grain. Gone. But now the fertile, good soil caused the crop to produce an abundance of harvest many times over. We all hear God's Word. How we process it and what we do with it is determined by the condition of our heart. It really does come down to the heart condition we all are walking around with. The Teacher talked about everything from the thief himself to the dept of Gods Word inside of you, your Faith level and the cares of this fading world we live in coming to steal the seed or this Precious Word that is planted into all who will receive it. Remember The Teacher said in this message we ALL hear the Word. What happens next is really up to us. I blogged recently about a famine in the land. If you haven't read it yet please do cause I feel God is speaking into me about the Word and that people could be perishing because the Life Blood that is His Word is lying dormant. I promised God to only write what the Holy Spirit leads me to and this seems to be a heavy subject. The Word of God is Life bringing Light to all who receive it into their spirit. The Bible says the Word gave Life to everything that was created and His Life brought Light to everyone. (John1:4). This sounds like with out this Word there is no Life or Light. What must that be like? Who would even want to know? Without Life wouldn't that be like the walking dead? Without Light isn't that complete darkness. Isaiah 60:2 says that darkness shall cover the earth and thick darkness the people, but the Glory of the Lord rises and appears over you. Part of this Scripture is one of those I wish wasn't in the Bible. (I am having a flashback to my last post, sorry). Wake up to the Light of the Lord Almighty. Let your heart be the good soil that produces a harvest. His Word is needed to live down here and He gave it to us freely and He saturated it with Love, Power, Blessings, and all we have to do is receive it and believe it. Get your Word out and let it minister Life to you. John 1: 1- 18. Be Blessed of The Lord. I love you!!! Psalm 146.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
At times when I read and meditate the Living Word of God, I come across scriptures that make me wish they were not there and/or certainly that they will not happen. But God's Word is truth (John 17:17) and we can't pick the parts we like and keep those and throw the parts we don't like or approve of out. Have you ever read Scriptures that made you feel like that? Perhaps I am alone in this so I will share a few that seem to make me wish this way. I love this Holy Word. It is God's communication to us that we can read, live, and trust as we live down here. It guides us (if we let it) as we try to walk upright before God. I thank God each day for grace (among many, many other things) cause it is a road that is not smooth. It has bumps, potholes, peaks, valleys, puddles, road blocks, detours, exits (that you may not want to take), and don't forget the traffic. This road is busy! So back to these Scriptures I was talking about. The Word says in Amos 8 :11 that the days are coming when God will send a famine into the land. Not the famine as we know it, food or water, no not that type of famine. A famine of hearing the Words of the Lord. Webster's Standard Dictionary defines famine as a critical shortage of food. A critical shortage of hearing God's Word is prophesied, could it be here now? God says to the prophet Amos that these days are coming and that they shall wander from sea to sea and north to east, running to and fro to seek the Word but they shall not find it. This verse makes me wish for it not to be there cause it makes me fear being in this land without being able to hear The Word of God. Think about that for a few minutes. I am literally trembling as I type. This causes a great amount of fear inside me. What about you? It sounds like God is preparing us for what Revelation 6:4 talks about with the rider of the bright red horse that was permitted to take peace from the earth. This is a fearful kind of thing as well. Read on to find out what the results of that are. What will happen to us with The Word no longer here? Perhaps the reason King David said in Psalm 119 :11 thy Word have I hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against thee. Is this Word hidden in your heart? It will need to be there dwelling richly for the time when this famine is sent into this land by God. The goats and the sheeps will be seperated by this time. Maybe this will be a time when the church has been raptured ( 1Thessalonians 4: 13 -18 ) and I wont even have to go through it. I will be on the safe side like King David and hide this Word deep inside my heart so that when I read this magnificent Word I will not have to have fear. God has made promises to those who choose to believe Him and many times His Word says " fear not". He must have known that there would be something to fear if the Living Word is not living on the inside of you. Once you make a decision for Christ and live through Him, much is available to you. Perhaps the walk on this road will not be easy all the time, but you are never alone( Hebrews 13: 5-6), The Creator of the Universe cares about you.I love, love, love knowing that. I don't mean to go on and on. I guess this all came about after speaking recently to someone I have loved all my life and now discovering in them an obvious disdain for the Word of God. I am still in shock after learning this and I began to think could this disdain or contempt for God's Word be widespread. I ask God how can this be so close to me. He took me to[ Amos 8:11-13. ]. Jesus said to the disciples before going to Heaven, " Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation, whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned".(Mark 16: 15-16). If I were a new Christian I would believe simply to keep from being condemned. That is the same as perishing. That sounds awful, like burning trash or leaves or something with only ashes left. In the end if I was wrong what harm would it have been? I still love this person with my whole heart, and as I try to help shine the Light upon them (pray for me) I already know that this is bigger than me. The Holy Spirit will have to be the intercessor on this one. My bottom line message will be what I know as truth and that is what John 14:6 says: "Jesus said I am The Way, The Truth,and The Life, no one comes to The Father except through me." Selah. I love you!!
Saturday, February 6, 2010
What a Mighty God we have!!! He has done Great Things and there is no end to the great and awesomeness of The Majestic KING of kings. How blessed we are when He shows up and make known His Divine Presence in any situation. That is what happened recently to me in my car. God visits me a lot in the auto. But this particular time I was in a rainstorm heading to a downtown location when I should have been going home and getting under the covers. You know what they say about rainy days, good sleeping weather. Well that is what I always heard. Anyway, I was headed downtown and all of a sudden fear came into the car and tried to get inside as I drove through what seemed like 4 or 5 inches of rain. It was pouring! My car is low and all I could think of was hydroplaining or something. I recognized those thoughts and who was trying to control the situation, so out of my mouth I began a chorus of "Worthy is the Lamb". You know the song we sing in church in Sunday services. Worthy is the Lamb. You are Holy. Are you Lord God AlMighty. Worthy is the Lamb, Worthy is the Lamb, You are Holy ,Are You Lord God Almighty. As these powerful words came from within out my mouth, I began to feel this Peace take over me. It felt like a warm, soothing, gentle, touch ,touching me from inside out. I thought Someone put an electric blanket around me and I was safe, secure ,warm, peaceful. The Presence of the Lord inside my car with me in that rainstorm made me sing to Him. In the old Testament of the Holy Bible, when God brought the Children of Israel out of bondage in Egypt and through the wilderness and into the Promise land, He required them to sacrifice to Him. That was their atonement for their sins. The sacrifice had to be the blood of a spotless, unblemished, perfect, nothing missing, nothing broken animal. Usually a bull or a lamb was the requirement. The animal's blood bought for the sinful people the way to remain in a forgiven state with God AlMighty. The animal had to be Worthy or it was not accepted. The Lamb was Worthy as it was an obedient sacrifice. Our Lamb is Worthy. The Angels in Heaven sing of His Glory, and Honor, and Power, The Creator of everything and The Sacrifice we need.(Revelation4:11, 5:13) How Great Thou Art!! We Hail Him as KING and He is our Friend. What kind of Lover is this That Loves us with this Everlasting, Unfailing, Faithful Love that has so many attributes in and of itself. Protecter, Peacekeeper, Provider,Trusted Friend, Helper are just a few of the words that I am priviledged to know Him as first hand this week alone. In this world we will need more than we ourselves can give ourselves without Him. We were created By God for God. He has this plan (Destiny) that without His deep involvement inside your life the plan (Destiny) will fizzle. With His acceptance into your life and your committement to seek Him each day He allows you to have, the plan will become clearer and clearer. I am grateful that The Worthy Lamb saw fit to enter my car that day and rest His Peace inside me, I really needed it and He must have known it cause He came. The journey on that rainy, puddle - filled, sloshy day, turned out to be such a testament to the fact that The Creator of the Universe has His eye on me as He said. Me. Me. Me. Who am I that He should care like that? He cared more than that when He stepped down out of GLORY,wrapped Himself in the skin of an infant, placed Himself in the womb of a virgin, paid a high price for sins that the entire creation committed with Precious Blood, Sinless, Spotless, Unblemished, Perfect, Worthy. Now He is seated at the Right Hand of The Holy Father, ever talking about us, praying for us. ( Hebrews 12: 2). Glory to God In the Highest!!! Worship The Creator. Praise God cause He is Worthy!! HE'S ALL THAT!!! Revelation 22. I love you!!!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Remember back in the day and even now those car chases in which the suspect is running from the police and law enforcement in hopes of getting away with whatever he /she is accused of doing. Television people have made shows out of these chases that keep viewers tuned in causing ratings to be so high that their popularity made many of them #1 shows. I use to like to watch World's wildest Police chases. Remember that one? Then of course Cops was always good for a chase or two each show. How about the all out live T.V. helicopter pursuit as the ground police chased along the interstate/ highway/freeway. We could watch as the hot pursuit was broadcast on live news. Didn't they all end the same? The suspect usually got caught and/or surrendered or his tires were shredded or he ran out of gas or something along those lines. Rarely did the suspect ever get away. I began to have a talk with our Heavenly Father about this word Pursuit. Can you believe these shows came into the mix, as He lovingly tells me that at times He chases us and at other times we chase Him. His love for us causes Him to run after us as we wonder away from Him. His will is for not one to perish and live in darkness but come into the marvelous light .The Scriptures tell us that Jesus left the 99 sheep and went after that 1 that wondered away from Him and lovingly brought it back. At some point in my life, that was probably me who wondered away and He came for. Thank you Jesus! That must be one of the many instances when He chases after us, unwilling that any should fall away. Our Pursuit comes as we seek The Kingdom Of God, through loving Him with all of our heart, mind, soul and body, as Jesus commanded. That means He is first, all else will be ordered by His Leading as we yield to His Will. Many things will try to hinder our Pursuit of God, that is why the Love Letter tell us in Hebrews 12: 1... to throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles us,and let us run with perserverance the race marked out for us. Seek out what is the thing in your life that is preventing you from Pursuing God with all of your being. Once I discovered the amazing Love God has for me, I began to really live and I realized that the Light side is clearer than the darkness. When Isaiah 60:1 happened to me, among the many things this Light that is speaking into my heart tells me is that there is a Destiny for me and if I seek Him, or shall I say go into "hot Pursuit" for this intimate relationship with The Creator, there is where I will learn the plan and Destiny He has marked out for me. Jeremiah 29:11-14 tells me about the plans and how Himself will be found by me when I seek(Pursue) Him. He said He would hear me when I call and that He will answer when I pray. All that can come from Our Loving Heavenly Father when we seek Him with all of our being. I want that. My Desire for Him is so deep. What can I liken it to? Passion!! My human limitations prevent me from adequately describing this intimacy with the Creator of everything. When God is in charge of my life things flow, when I take charge all hell breaks loose. What about you? What things prevent you from being caught by The Chaser? What things are preventing you from The Pursuit? Seeking Him with all you are. Don't run anymore. You will eventually be caught, cause The Love of God is powerful and it calls for you. Listen. Shhhh. Can you hear Him? Shhh. Listen. Quiet yourself. Shhh. I love you!
Revelation 3:20.
Revelation 3:20.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
I Love You !!
I love you!!!! Have you heard these wonderful words before somewhere in your lifetime? Of course you have. Whether it is your child(ren) telling them to you, or your loving spouse vowing them before, during and after your marriage. Perhaps it was an intended relationship that never quite made it, or a relative said them to you or vice versa. Somewhere in your life you have heard "I love you". For this posting I would like to say, I love you and God Loves you. But for the purpose of revealed knowledge, let's focus on the "God loves you" portion of the last statement. God's love is so deep it has it's own titled category and that is: Agape. Agape Love, or the God kind of love is that deep, passionate, intimate, heart ravishing love that caused Him to send His only begotten Son into this earth to pay a price that only His blood could pay. It was settled with that payment. The Holy Scriptures talks about a covenant of love (peace) that can never be removed. (Isaiah54:10.) God cannot stop Loving you, it is impossible for that to happen. The Love letter tells us that nothing can seperate us from His Love cause He sees Christ and His blood that bought us redemption when He looks upon us.(Romans8:37-39.) God sees a people He loves so much that He calls us His Beloved and commands His Love towards us, all this while we were sinners still.(Romans5:8.) His Love is so consuming that He promises to never leave you or forsake you.(Hebrews 13:5-6.) I care about that part the most when I am dealing with a challenge
or a struggle that steals time from my Love. How about You? Not that we love God, but that He loves us and His love is manifested towards us in that He sent His Son.(1John4:9-10.) This Anointed Word of God manifested Himself in the flesh and walked among us, (John 1:14 )cause of the Love God set upon us. (Psalms 91:14.) His Mercy is so rich for us because of this Great Love He has for us that is difficult to comprehend how deep, wide, long and high it is, it passeth knowledge.(Ephesians2:4),(Ephesians 3:18-19.) Back in the day The Bee Gees use to have a song entitled "How deep is your love?"Remember that song? It was sweet. One line from the song went something like: How deep is your love, I really need to know. Can we really know How deep God's love is for us? We really need to know, don't you think? This is an attempt to come close to a human understanding of that question. The Loving Scriptures tell me so many things about our God. They speak about Himself living among us taking delight in us with gladness and with His love He will calm all fears.(Zephaniah3:17nlt.) Isn't that great news in this fear-soaked world we reside in? My heart leaps in my chest as I delve into this Living Word and find the promises my Loving Heavenly Father promised before the foundations were laid and before I was placed inside mama's belly.(Jeremiah1:5.) Yes, I love you. But God so loved this world that He sent an Indescribable Gift into it that whosoever (you are included in that word if you so choose) believeth in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting (that's eternal for all deep people) life.(2Corinthians9:15),(John3:16.) Search the Living Word of God and allow it to minister Our Heavenly Father's Love to your heart and be Blessed by It. It was given to us to help us live here, cause Jesus said it will be a time of trials and tribulations. We can cheer up and saturate ourselves in this Living Word and bathe in it's rich treasures of Agape Love. Remember it was made flesh and dwelt among us.(John1:14.) God loves you!!! (1Corinthians13.) I love you!!
or a struggle that steals time from my Love. How about You? Not that we love God, but that He loves us and His love is manifested towards us in that He sent His Son.(1John4:9-10.) This Anointed Word of God manifested Himself in the flesh and walked among us, (John 1:14 )cause of the Love God set upon us. (Psalms 91:14.) His Mercy is so rich for us because of this Great Love He has for us that is difficult to comprehend how deep, wide, long and high it is, it passeth knowledge.(Ephesians2:4),(Ephesians 3:18-19.) Back in the day The Bee Gees use to have a song entitled "How deep is your love?"Remember that song? It was sweet. One line from the song went something like: How deep is your love, I really need to know. Can we really know How deep God's love is for us? We really need to know, don't you think? This is an attempt to come close to a human understanding of that question. The Loving Scriptures tell me so many things about our God. They speak about Himself living among us taking delight in us with gladness and with His love He will calm all fears.(Zephaniah3:17nlt.) Isn't that great news in this fear-soaked world we reside in? My heart leaps in my chest as I delve into this Living Word and find the promises my Loving Heavenly Father promised before the foundations were laid and before I was placed inside mama's belly.(Jeremiah1:5.) Yes, I love you. But God so loved this world that He sent an Indescribable Gift into it that whosoever (you are included in that word if you so choose) believeth in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting (that's eternal for all deep people) life.(2Corinthians9:15),(John3:16.) Search the Living Word of God and allow it to minister Our Heavenly Father's Love to your heart and be Blessed by It. It was given to us to help us live here, cause Jesus said it will be a time of trials and tribulations. We can cheer up and saturate ourselves in this Living Word and bathe in it's rich treasures of Agape Love. Remember it was made flesh and dwelt among us.(John1:14.) God loves you!!! (1Corinthians13.) I love you!!
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